Saturday, May 18

5 things I took away from SP

Sorry for the lacking of posts again. I'll do BKK day 3, 4, 5 soon. Like really soon. B/c there's so many things I really wanna update this space about now. 

I officially graduated and became an SP alumni today! 
So to mark the end of yet another remarkable chapter of my life, here's 5 things I'm really thankful for during my journey with SP:

1. Milo Gong.

From strangers to friends, seniors to brothers. Knowing you guys was the best thing that happened to me in my entire journey at SP. You all gave me so much to remember. All the laughter and joy we shared will never be forgotten, because every moment we had made going through hardships worthwhile. We'll have many more happy moments to come, and I'll be looking forward to every single one.

2. HQ Ideas.
The best environment I probably will ever work in. I've received so much from this place, and learnt so much from every single one. What I have learnt here have exceeded beyond work experience. You guys have taught me life lessons. Thank you all for taking care of me and having my back. 

3. SP Pool Club
Before SP, I never knew I had the passion for pool. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to discover something new, and thank you for igniting my passion for this sport. I will try my very best to never let it go. 

Whenever I walk into the clubhouse, I feel like I'm at home. No matter how much we've distanced, the memories created will never be forgotten. I will always remember the times when we hung out together almost every day, when we sung our lungs out at K, and when we forged stronger bonds through Truth or Dare. You guys have made my life at SP so much better, and I wouldn't know how much Year 1 and 2 would have sucked if it wasn't for you all. Thank you so much.

5. New friendships
You guys should know who you are. Thank you for being so large a part of my life in SP. Thank you for standing by me through these years. And thank you for still standing by me now. I hope our friendships will continue to develop even after we have all gone our separate ways. No matter what happens, we'll all just be 8 numbers away. 

I'll stop at just 5 or I'll probably get all sentimental. A big thank you to every single one of you whom had accompanied me on this journey, and an even bigger thank you to those who held the sky for me when I fell. 

Those moments will forever be etched. In my mind and heart.
