Wednesday, April 15

Last Day of Tokyo


It's already the last day in Tokyo! :'( 
Gonna miss this place so bad…

Last day's simple outfit. 

Followed by selfies spam cus it's the last moments we had in the hotel room..
*WARNING* When I say spam, I really mean spam.

Anyway since we had time, went down to Akihabara again because the first time we went, we didn't get to explore the place much before the shops closed.

Guess who did we see?

Super duper lucky! 
Because when we walked back to that area again 10 minutes later, Pikachu is gone alr! 
Omg!!!! Can't believe we managed to catch the Pikachu mascot with such pure luck! 

Walked around Akihabara and managed to find the Don Quijote Mall where it's definitely a shopper's haven, especially for girls. 

Just for 2nd floor alone, they have EVERYTHING, from figurines to electric appliances, cosmetics, branded accessories, etc. Never got the time to finish browsing through everything though. Was stuck at the cosmetics section for quite some time cus I was picking out eyelash glue and falsies for my cousin, and contact lenses for my sister. 

Now there's one thing I must say though, never ever buy cosmetic lenses here. Didn't check the price properly and by the time I realize, I've already made payment and the cashier was preparing my tax-exempt invoice, so I decided not to refund it to not complicate matters.

Ok cus you can actually just buy 1 side, they actually put the price for only one side, and guess what? It's like $20+ for just one side in SGD!!! It's crazy. I bought 3 pairs in total, which meant I spent over SGD 120 just on 3 pairs of contacts. It's crazy la please. Please just get your cosmetic lenses from JB/KL/Bangkok. Anywhere but Japan. I think there are cheaper lenses from Japan online, but they only ship locally, so unless you have an address in Japan, just don't. 

Super duper regret buying the lenses cus while making payment, I saw a Chrome Hearts beanie retailing at only 1/2 its original price and I was damn upset about it cus I could have better spent that $120. Like on that beanie instead. Not that it cost $120 only but I would only need to top up a bit more, plus a beanie would last so much longer than lenses. Zzzzzz. 

Anw I was so upset at myself for letting my initial happiness at finding cosmetic lenses rule over my head and not checking the price properly. In fact, I was so down after that JP decided to cheer me up by buying me a One Piece Ace's wanted poster puzzle and a frame for it when we walked past another shop after Don Quijote. Tee hee. This boy knows me best. 

Went back to our hotel to pick up our luggage at the lobby and headed to the train station to take our train back to the airport. I can't remember the station's names and the train we took anymore so if you want to know, go Google for it yourself. Hahahahaha. 

JP still had some spare cash left so he bought some food for me on the train :)

Last scenery before we reach the airport. 

Once at the airport, we were busy doing some last minute shopping, especially buying all the foodstuff back. I think we spent over $100 SGD buying all the Tokyo bananas, mochi, and Kit Kats. 

We took a transit flight so touched down in Sg pretty late at night. Super sian because both our to and fro flights were pretty late at night so there were almost no shops for us to shop at at all 3 airports. Told JP we should book earlier flights the next time, hahahaha. 

Super happy to see my family waiting for me through the glass at the Arrival Hall. So touched that they still come down despite how late it was.

Anyway, reached home and despite being tired, I still didn't forget to put everything together nicely and take a picture of them together. Hahahaha.

This is my haul from Tokyo:

Such a crazy amount I can't even…
Hahaha. Like I said, we didn't manage to buy a lot of apparels cus it was the autumn season. The stores were already stocking up on winter wear so almost everything is crazy thick which can't be worn in SG unless you are immune to heat. I'm really disappointed about that cus I was looking forward to doing a lot more clothes shopping since most of our favorite street wear shops are there so….I told myself I must go back to Tokyo again in the spring/summer season some other time. 

Other than that, Tokyo really did live up to my expectations and I am really in love with this city.
Really looking forward to visiting Tokyo again!

Till the next time,