Sunday, June 3

Thy Weekend

Remember how I keep harping on how busy I was for the past months? Yeah it was so bad I hardly have time to breathe, the most happening shit were mostly only mahjong sessions crammed somewhere in between late nights.

Now, holidays are here and my whatsapp is still flooded with meetings, tasks to do, projects discussions, yada yada.

So my point is, this weekend was hell good for me.

Met up some old friends in the evening for our pre-arranged K session. Which was crazy for me because honestly, I can't remember when was the last time I sang K. Had Katong Laksa for dinner and then pool. Singles + Doubles.

Impromtu decision to join them for clubbing afterwards and the rest is history. Like BAM here I am again after months. K Baobei came down to join us as well :)

Pictures taken. Only 3 shown because it was nearing the end and I look completely horrible.

So right now as my poor soles are still aching from wearing heels for far too long, much less dancing in them all night, and my ears are still ringing from too much blast, kakis just called for MJ!

It felt surreal. I really can't believe I am going to do all of the activities I enjoy most in one short weekend. This should be the life yo.

Yeah it felt good to finally unwind for 2 days before going back to the crazy world again.

And...being able to watch Big Bang Alive Tour in Sg would make this year one of my best I'm sure ^^ 
So till then peeps!~

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