Saturday, October 20


Hello! Okay basically I am just hungry and whiling  my time away while the boyf is napping.

I know I promised a Big Bang post. I'll try to post that up ASAP. But anyway most of the pictures I took are of lousy quality, where either the lights are too bright and reflecting off the boys' handsome faces, or I took a side profile of them because I was too star-strucked when they were looking in my direction.

Lots of work to be cleared this week, school's FYP is finally getting some headway. Have been really really cash-strapped these days so if any of you happen to know of temporary events that need some people & can pay by the end of the event, do let me know! :)

Haven't been taking much photos lately, but follow me on Instagram (@Jolynique) for random snapshots of my everyday life.

Okay I am really just waiting for the boy to wake up.


Wednesday, October 10


I had originally wanted to blog about the Big Bang concert & schedule a post to be up this Friday, but I just did something really stupid & now I lost the mood to even blog. (Yes, I know the irony, but I wanted to do happy things.)

Shall squeeze in some time this weekend to do up the Big Bang Alive Tour post because it's one hell of an event I wanna keep in memory forever & having a physical record of it will enable me to constantly relieve those moments.

Nothing much has been done this week, except pool trainings. Everything else is pretty much going on a downhill but people on the hill with me are all trying really hard to climb back up, so I'll try not to let anyone down & bite the bullet as well.

Okay seriously, fuck. I just did something really really stupid, something I've told myself never ever ever to do again because it will always ruin something, hurt somebody, or result in something negative, but I did it. I don't know if it exists in every female, or it's just Scorpios in general. We just have this bugging voice that constantly reminds us not to trust anybody until they prove that they deserve our trust. But in the past, people whom have proven worthy turned out breaching my trust in the end so I've just completely stopped believing. Like literally cold turkey. It happened to even really close friends who have stuck around for years, because it scared me & hurt so bad.

I remember a lecturer's story:

Man A asked to borrow $10 from Man B, claiming he would return it the next day. Man B loaned it to him, & true enough, Man A kept his promise. 1 year down the road, Man A borrowed $100 from Man B, claiming he would return it the following week. Man B hesitated, but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt as he kept to his promise the last time. True enough, Man A kept to his promise & returned the $100 to Man B.

Not long after, Man A asked for a loan of $5, 000. As Man B has formed a good impression of Man A, thinking he is a man of his word, he lend it to him without hesitation. Man A returned the money after a month or so. Then one day, Man A asked for a loan of $250, 000 to set up a business. By now, Man B trusts Man A completely & loaned it to him despite the huge amount. & guess what? Man A ran away with the money.

Okay it wasn't the exact story, but somehow the gist of it is there. Point is, people who seem so trustworthy could always be plotting something against you, and it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Not that I no longer trust the people around me, or this person anymore, but I just feel kind of stupid, like what I felt wasn't exactly what it was. I just feel cheated.

Maybe I trust people too quickly. Maybe I trust people too easily. But is the world out there really that scary? Are there no pure kind souls?

I knew I shouldn't have done it in the 1st place, which is what's causing all these insecurities in the 1st place. & you all probably don't even know shit I'm talking about, but pardon me I just need to rant.

I'll try to squeeze in a happy post this weekend, and probably schedule some down the week in case I'm busy or too lazy to blog. I really want this space to be as lively as before, filled with both sorrows & happiness.

Okay fuck I'm too screwed over to blog. & this post is too wordy anyway.

Have a good night kiddos.