Wednesday, July 24

Random Rants

Okay this post came about because some random things were running through my mind and they were too long for twitter, so here goes my random thoughts in the middle of the night. 

1. Treat your employees/subordinates well

Especially so for those in the service industry. I don't get it when companies focus so much on customer service and yet they don't satisfy their own employees. You think your employees do not have a life outside of work? You think your employees won't spread negative things about your company if they are not happy? 

I think I am very blessed to be with my company now, and those who know me or are close to me will probably already know by now how well my boss and my colleagues treat me. When we are rushing for deadlines and stuff, I am really willing to sacrifice sleep and play for work and I never complained. 

I am not trying to sell myself here but what I'm trying to say is that, if your employees are satisfied and feel happy or even blessed to be in your company, chances are, they will give their best at work without people telling them to

AND most importantly, their opinions will also have a stronger impact and influence because they have worked in the company before, so people will tend to think that they should know better. Just imagine, you have a rather good impression on Brand A, but your friend who is working there tells you "The people there damn screwed up, damn fake and then always gossip about customers behind their backs". You believe your own perception or your friend? Will you feel uncomfortable the next time you step into their shop?

Another point is that, your employee might not stay with you forever. Especially so if they are not happy with the job. So eventually, your ex-employee might become your company/brand's potential customer, and since they have had a personal bad experience while working in your company, they will definitely be the hardest customer to convince and convert. Yep, so you just lost yourself a potential customer, and most likely along with their good friends.

2. Charity Organizations Workers who get people to donate via Personal Selling

I have worked with an organization similar to this before and I tell you, this irks me the most. I don't care whether you really feel for the charity cause you are helping for, or you just want to hit your quota and earn your commission, but please remember that every single person you approach has no freaking obligation to help

When I was doing this, I never hard sell. They said my presentation was good but "impulse factors" not there. This is because I never believed people help charities or make donation "out of impulse" and I never liked being pushy. 

Why I'm ranting about this is because for the past THREE weeks I've been frequenting town a lot and I will always get approached by one of these people. I have donated a few times but the last one really turned me off to the extent that I rejected every single one after that till now. 

He told me $10 can help some poor family get a sack of rice, and this $10 can help 1 child. 
So I took out $10 because I really wanted to help with what I can. 

And the conversation went something like this:
Him: Why only $10?
Me: I'm still a student I'm not earning much.
Him: Ok la I ask you honestly, how long it takes for you to spend $50?
Me: Erm, around 3 days?
Him: See. For you 3 days spend $50, for them $50 can help 5 children for weeks and even months. 
Me: I really cannot la.

After this there was some friendly bantering and his colleagues even came over to "compliment" me. The inverted commas because I know from "behind-the-scenes" that it is a kind of tactic to invoke the feel-good factor. 

And then....

Him: Huh... Really cannot help 5 children uh? See I left $50 only leh, you donate $50 I can go home already. 
(SEE?! He is the kind of person who just wants to hit quota and earn his money and fuck off) 


I insisted on just $10 and he went "Okay la. Help 2 okay? 2 children only can la."


In the end since I already took out $10 and I had wanted to help not because of the stupid guy but for the cause itself, I donated $10 and left. 
But if you were me, will you be tempted to just walk away without donating?

I am not saying that everyone in this line is like this, but all it takes is one black sheep to ruin it. And the worst part is, it doesn't matter what charity they are representing, because the person is upset about the attitude of the person working, not the charity. Therefore, they have a negative perception about the person holding a board telling stories to get donations, and not the charity drive itself. Unless you are lucky to approach someone who does charity work often and knows about the different charities, then most likely you will not get anything from people who have experienced what I did.

And this is based on PERSONAL experience as BOTH the charity worker and the "customer". 

Okay that was pretty wordy and lengthy. So to reward you for getting through my rants, here's 2 selfies for you!!! :X

I am in love with myself.


Sunday, July 21

10 Random Things About Me

About a month since my last post. A lot had happened, but I'm so used to just taking snapshots and posting them on Instagram as updates instead of doing a proper update here. 

So here's another 10 things about me:

1. I'm lazy to get out of the house if there is no particular reason to.
2. I like to pick my scabs. 
3. I love exploring.
4. I would take the time to travel if it's worth it.
5. I hate horror shows, but I would still watch them.
6. I am afraid of being alone in the dark.
7. I like Chopper. And Carebears.
8. I like to cook but I hate doing the dishes.
9. I'm anal about bad English. Not just the grammar, the spelling too. 
10. I like long walks at night. 

I'm gonna keep doing this so one day, I can look back and see for myself what has changed, and what hasn't. 
