Sunday, July 21

10 Random Things About Me

About a month since my last post. A lot had happened, but I'm so used to just taking snapshots and posting them on Instagram as updates instead of doing a proper update here. 

So here's another 10 things about me:

1. I'm lazy to get out of the house if there is no particular reason to.
2. I like to pick my scabs. 
3. I love exploring.
4. I would take the time to travel if it's worth it.
5. I hate horror shows, but I would still watch them.
6. I am afraid of being alone in the dark.
7. I like Chopper. And Carebears.
8. I like to cook but I hate doing the dishes.
9. I'm anal about bad English. Not just the grammar, the spelling too. 
10. I like long walks at night. 

I'm gonna keep doing this so one day, I can look back and see for myself what has changed, and what hasn't. 


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