Thursday, December 6

1 more Angbao

 On the 2nd of December, I got to attend another wedding dinner. It was my dad's cousin and I was soooo happy for him because all the other cousins have already gotten married and he's like the last & every year during CNY we kept pestering him to get married. 

So that day I was like the makeup artist for the family. Rushed back home after piano lesson & quickly did my makeup before doing my Sissy's & Mumsy's. Hehes. Feeling pretty proud of myself b/c they both look really good on that day. :)

My outfit for that night:

Really princessy, because my parents told me not nice to wear black to joyous occasion as some Chinese are really traditional & "pan tang".

The staircase was really pretty & suit the theme so well sissy & I can't resist taking our outfit shots there.

& like any other wedding banquet, the food was pretty good. Sinful, but good.

The Stars for the Night:

Camwhoring with sissy in the elevator because we love the camera like that. We practically camwhored everywhere. 

Hahas sorry the photos are like everywhere cus I'm too lazy to organize them. It was really joyous because we got to meet with all our Malaysian relatives that we only get to see during CNY. & when we said goodbye to my shushu who got married, I suddenly remembered we have one more angbao during CNY. Hahas.

May your marriage be a blissful one & may I have another cousin :)

To end off, here's my makeup for that night. 


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