Thursday, February 21

Rambling Night


Bear with me for this post because it's in the middle of the night but I can't get to sleep because I'm suffering from the "body-clock-turned-upside-down" disease. Feeling pretty uncomfortable these days. Not really sick like I'm down with anything, but I get these headaches, nausea, dizziness, hunger pangs at odd hours. I know it sounds like pregnancy, but IT'S NOT. 

This is another post that is going to be pretty much filled with incoherent thoughts and random stuff because I want to talk to somebody when I can't sleep, but nobody is going to be willing to listen even if they are awake at this sort of crazy timing. 

Went to Red Numbers gala premiere today as part of my work. Got to see local celebrities up close but it was so chaotic I had no time to ask for pictures. But then again, there wasn't any particular celeb I wanted to take a picture with. I just wanted to have a physical evidence of this memory that I was part of something like this, that I'm at a gala premiere because of work, that there was nothing too glamourous but it felt rewarding to be part of something with red carpet & flashing lights. 

I'm sorry, I watch too many movies. 

But I've always wanted to try to be a celeb for one day, to experience what it feels like having to live your everyday life knowing somebody on the streets might recognize you. It'll be fun. 

But only for a day. Because life's no fun if everybody knows you and you can't do anything you want. Like even saying "fuck" in public. 

I've once heard an actor say "fuck" irl before and it surprised me. It's not that it gave me a negative impression but it was just so surprising. I can't explain the reason behind it but it just felt weird hearing it coming from a "celeb" mouth. 

Moving on.

I'm freaking lost right now. I just saw a video that inspires people to do what they wanna do for a living, to live happy and free, to not work for money. Because earning from what you love doing most is what makes life meaningful. 

But I can't do what I wanna do without having enough money. & no matter what, education is so highly stressed here I know I have to at least have some sort of qualification as backup. 

Which sucks. Because I didn't really put in my best in poly. 
Which sucked. 

I'm really full of contradictions and conflicting thoughts.

Moving on.

Thank you for even reaching this part of the post, I was just rambling my thoughts here & they are all so random I didn't think anyone would finish reading this post.

If you did, you're probably weird.

Just kidding.


Friday, February 15

Incoherent thoughts


4 hours into doing my report, with a lot of breaks in between, I am....not done. Fucking shag & I've ran out of cigs AT SUCH A TIME. & my classmates are all asleep so no one can answer my doubts. My group mates took the sample report since weeks ago so I do not have a sample with me & I'm practically typing crap because I don't know what am I supposed to type. And wait for it...I HAVE TO FUCKING SUBMIT IT BEFORE 5PM TODAY. And I only realized it today.

Why SP so smart uh? Put deadlines on CNY week so we can all happily forget all about it.
le sigh.

So anyway to take a break (again), I'm here to blog about V'day. Which in fact I've got nothing to blog about because my boyf is stuck in Tekong & my date was my bed. Just nua in bed for the whole day and I didn't know the report was due today. Fml.

I scroll through IG and everyone is posting pictures of their date, their presents, their romantic dinner, but I can only look at photos of my boy. Why like that?!

Just last Friday I was whining about singing K because I have been whining for 7 months and it never happened. So on our 7th monthsary, it happened. Thank you precious for giving in to my whining especially when I know you don't like to sing much. 

But it was a bad time because it was a day before CNY eve and KBox decided it was aright to raise the prices and call them "Festive Rates". But being bitches, we heard from reliable sources that KBox have the capacity to lower prices on their own so we acted our way to lower prices. ^^ Go try it and I swear you'll feel cheated once you hear how much they can actually lower. 

I miss him so much now, especially when I'm on the verge of submitting a half-done report. YOU KNOW HOW DEMORALIZING IT IS WHEN YOU NEED TO SUBMIT A REPORT THAT YOU KNOW WILL NOT BE GRADED?! It is for auditing purpose and I don't know what else but who got mood to write a report that won't be graded? I want to sleep leh.

But yeah, I  miss him because he used to stay up with me whenever I need to do my work and just stone or play stupid games on the computer while waiting for me. I would ask him to go to sleep and he would just smile and say "No, I want to go to sleep with you." And when I'm halfway through and I feel worn and tired he would rub my neck, get me drinks, cook me supper, and encourage me to go through with it. 

Now, I'm on the verge of collapsing. 

I can't think.

I shall go have some shuteye before continuing with this report.


Thursday, February 14

Uber small getaway.


This is really backdated, but anyway we headed to Pulau Ubin on a double date the other day & we found places I've never been before even though I went to Pulau Ubin countless times. Wtf.

We rented bikes but found some place halfway that required us to park our bikes outside & explore by foot. The sun was scorching, there was some light drizzle here & there, wind was hot & sandy which was pretty irritating, but it was fun. Just don't mind my naked face & our squinting eyes. 

Spot the wild boar.

Poor dog which had some kind of skin disease. (But I petted it before I realized. Wish someone could bring it to the vet.)  It ran along us while we cycled for a long time before it ran off on its own.


Very still shallow waters. Lands that emerged during low-tides. 

Fighting hermit crabs. 

On top of the world.

Wild monkey.

And more beautiful places.

Late lunch.

Going home.

Plastered hair, sweaty faces, tired body. It sounds terrible but it was one of the most memorable days because we are at our closest with nature and phone reception was bad so we were cut off from the hustle and bustle for a day.

I fell asleep after boarding the bus and slept my way through until it was time for very late dinner.
Go explore places & dig deep. You'll find awesome corners, scenery, things, adventures, whatever you can think of, when you dig deep. 
