Wednesday, June 19

BKK Day 3, 4, 5!

Basically, I've procrastinated this post for far too long I can't remember what really happened so I'm just gonna dump the rest of the pictures here.

Day 3: Chatuchak

On our way to flag a tuktuk...

When at Chatuchak, never ever forget to get coconut ice cream! *slurps*

Loots from Day 3:

 Day 4: Jewelry Museum, Chinatown, Random Shopping Mall (I forgot the name of the mall :x)


How to spot a camwhore? Look in rearview mirrors.

A picture with the nice tuktuk driver who went all the way back to pick up my cap for me. HAHAHA. I was stupidly wearing the cab during the ride & it flew off my head & he U-turn to pick it up for me in the middle of the road. If you had been to Thailand, you'd know most of their roads don't have dividers & my cap landed at the point between the 2 direction of traffic. It was crazy dangerous & I was a little touched. It's rare to meet such nice tuktuk drivers okay, most of them only wants money. 

We paid 100baht for the entire ride from our hotel to the museum & then to Chinatown. Tell me where to get such a deal?!?!

We heard Chinatown serves the best Bird's Nest and that was the only reason why we were there. There was absolutely nothing to do except to eat bird's nest.

 If you ever go to Chinatown in BKK, NEVER EVER visit this restaurant. 
Really really bad service. The head waitress serving us was so impatient, and she kept speaking to her staff in Thai with an annoyed face. We were speaking to her in Mandarin, but among ourselves we're used to English so we were discussing what to order in English when she suddenly cut in our conversation in English, with an arrogant face, like "Hey see I know how to speak English too, I'm considered high class here in Thailand". Erm, fuck off bitch. 

Hahaha. Okay I got carried away. Bird's nest was slightly above average, but I can't really tell how good it was because I don't eat these stuff often so I don't know the taste between good & bad. I just liked mine because it came in a coconut shell & the taste of coconut with bird's nest was great.

I can't really remember which day were these loots from but they were mostly from the market nearby our hotel, & Platinum Mall. 
p.s. I am still very much in love with the Mickey pullover. 

Random picture of the foot massage at BKK. We tried out 2 different parlours, & I still don't know which is better. To me they're all the same. But this one gave us blankets b/c we were feeling cold :)

Random breakfast picture. 

Day 5: On the last day we just used whatever time we have left at Platinum and fooled around at the airport while waiting for flight. The driver was afraid there might be a jam so we left the hotel 3-4 hours early. So we had 2 hours plus of waiting time when we reached the airport.... -_-''' 
So now you know not only Singaporeans are "kiasu" hor?

Group pictures! ^^

Just because we never had pork burgers in Singapore, I was super excited over this....

At the airport.....

We were very bored okay. But they had smoking rooms in the holding area! I was so amazed my sister was like "You damn tourist sia", or something like that. 

And then we laughed our asses off when we saw this:

I don't understand a single shit this sign is saying. WHAT THE HELL is "penalized 20 times" and "prosecuted to the fullest extent of law"?!?!?!?!

But anyway, yep, that was my BKK trip. Finally churned this out.

Hope you have a happy midweek! 


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