Thursday, June 20

Happy Daddy's Day

Last Sunday, my family headed out for dinner to reward my Daddykins for Father's Day. And because everywhere else will probably be really crowded, we went to Changi usual. Sakae Sushi again! Which came in time to curb my cravings for my favorite salmon!!! ^^

On our way...

I just started playing Fun Run so y'all can add me! (User: jolynrenix)

While queuing...

And waiting...

And then the food arrives!

My favorites! All of my "must-haves" in Sakae...
Super love the Salmon & Mango Sushi & Cheese Grilled Chicken! <3 p="">

And we NEVER forgot to camwhore even while eating...

Awkward smile & unkempt hair...*sighs*

Trying to take a picture together with Daddykins & Sissy reflected in the mirror.

And then proper shots...

Please don't ask me why Sissy looked the same in both pictures. Come to think of it, it's quite creepy how her pose & expression remains the same. 

And then my sister got bored so...
*kiaps food* *stuffs food into mouth* *heart shape for food*

And I really wasn't posing for the 1st 2 shots. Really lucky she didn't capture any unglam candid shots. 
At least not that unglam. 

It was a great dinner! :D

After dinner we walked around and I managed to be decisive once & for all and went for a new phone sticker!

Wait for it....

So kawaii right?!?!
I'm really crazy over Chopper. I mean it's so cute & irresistible how can anyone not fall for its cuteness? Speaking of which, I need to catch up on One Piece again!

Decided to just chill for a bit at Starbucks and I fell for yet another of their yummy concoction :)
Cookies & Cream Mocha Frappe anybody? 

Had such a great night out with my family! It wasn't something really out of the ordinary, it wasn't something huge, it wasn't something with a bang. But sometimes, simplicity is beauty. Just a simple dinner; casual conversations, fooling around with the camera, throwing jokes across the table, can bring so much joy & remind us how important family really is. 

Thank you Daddy, for being there for me whenever you can, for doing so much just to provide us with the best in life, for being our trusty support no matter what comes, for providing me with unconditional love. 

Being the only man in our household, he has to endure all of our PMS 3 times a month, princess tantrums, carry our crazy amount of shopping bags, be the rubbish bin who finishes our food and drive us everywhere even when he's tired as well. With 2 daughters, I'm sure his white hair multiplied very quickly & his wrinkles deepened whenever we came home late. But nevertheless, he still gave us his very best.

I love you Daddy, and thank you so much for all you have done.
You have been making our wishes come true, and one day, I hope I can make yours come true too.

Happy Father's Day Daddy! <3 p="">


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