Thursday, November 7

Universal Studios Singapore

Yes, because I'm now living it up during the holidays, I have quite a handful of free time to spare and hence the backtracking update of this USS trip, which happened 2 months back. 

Battlestar Galatica wasn't opened that day & I was pretty bummed because I haven't tried the CYLON ride yet. Can you believe it?! But oh well, I better get to ride it during the next visit to USS. 

Henceforth, PHOTO VOMIT.

It was my first time on the Transformers & I got pretty geeky, spamming photos and videos of the interior of the queueing area.

Imagine when I saw Bumblebee outside! ;)

Saw this dinosaur that was moving in the cage and it was quite a sight. A+ for effort! :)

Mandatory castle shot. 

I was quite embarrassed to bring my stuffed Elmo to take picture with the life-sized Elmo. I got even more embarrassed when life-sized Elmo pats my stuffed toy Elmo and the photographer laughed. 

And then the emo-with-elmo camwhoring starts...

Eventful, exhausting, and a roller coaster of emotions, it was quite a day to remember.


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