Wednesday, December 31

♥ Jolyn Renix's 21st ♥

Tadah!!! I've finally, officially, entered adulthood and have reached my dream age. Now I wish I can just stay at this age forever. I love being 21 because it's like being the oldest of the younger generation (like erm "kids") and being the youngest of the adults. 

And I absolutely dislike the fact that in a few days time, I have to tell people that I'm 22 although my birthday wouldn't be until another 11 months later. Sigh, #yearendbirthdaybabies'woes. #hashtagsarefunevenwhentheydontwork 

So, I've finally stopped procrastinating and here's my 21st celebration party that I hosted 3 days in advance of my actual birthday :)


My birthday preparations only fell into place one week before the day itself because my exams ended on 6th Nov, which was 10 days before today. It was extremely hectic and my "committee" (which consisted of my sis & JP) was as stressed as I was and we were chionging to make everything right. We had the skeleton of a plan weeks before but due to me having exams and them busy with their own stuff, not much was done until 10 days before the party. Lol. 

Crazily enough, we managed to get the decorations and other needed supplies (even the cake!) within the 10 days. 

Woke up super early to set everything in place. Once everything was done, I took crazy long to doll up. Teehee. 

Sissy helped me blow-dry my hair, giving me nice curls at the end….but….unfortunately, it was kinda ruined by the end of the day due to all that running around hosting people. 

First presents to arrive. I'm really thankful for SoulVibe,
especially since they were the only ones who reached in the afternoon. They kind of made my day because they told me I can read the card and I am really really touched at some of your words. Thank you guys :') I promise, I will definitely do my best to improve in dance as well as in leading you all to greater heights. 

This super hardworking DJ spent weeks downloading hip-hop and k-pop songs to fit my theme. He got interested in DJ-ing and offered to DJ for my party. I am really happy when some of my friends came up to me and told me they love the music. Woohoo!

 Thank you for always prioritizing me above many other things in your life and for pampering me. I am truly undeserving of this much you have done for me, and for that, I will always be grateful. 

My annoying sis who was so sweet, making sure glitches are minimized, meticulously doing up my guestbook and all. I could tell it was tiring for her, having to be my photographer cum personal assistant for the party. Too bad she only got her DSLR after my birthday, but still…the photos still turned out nice. 辛苦你了. She was so awesome even though it was only for the day. Hahahaha. Luff you. 

My parents who have gone through great trials and tribulations just to bring me up healthy and well. I am glad they have never given up on me no matter how rebellious I used to be, and despite their traditional mindset, they have managed to instill morals that form a large part of my principles and my being. They are my first lovers and I will always be indebted to them. 你们也是我前世修来的福! Hehe. 

Nothing beats FAMILY ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Monopoly deal because it's still one of the best card games. 

Childhood friends' parents who also came down super early. Thank you thank you. 

Laopo for life ♥ 

Swag Cousin in not so swag outfit. Hahahahaha. #OOTP SIBO. 

Random poses.

My favorite mofos!!! Hahaha. Why are they mofos? 

One gave me a light-up mohawk hair band as a present…...

And the rest kup a carton of cigs. 

Taking practicality and non-practicality to the next level, really. Bth them. 

Baby Javier is too cute. Please grow up to be a cute lad and a fine gentleman. 

The earliest of DWZ peeps. 

Werido cousin. 

Jerry aka the street lamp. 

My mum was in charge of the catering and I was so glad people came up to me to tell me the food was damn awesome. And quoted from Jeremy, "This is the best catering food I've ever eaten!" Woots! I forgot the catering company she ordered from but should any of you be interested, I can ask her. 

From AHS …. 6 years since. Oh wow. 

Played a bit of games prepared by JP and Wilson, which…was a bit of a failure because the crowd didn't come in as we had expected. But oh wells, at least we made full use of the props we had gathered for the games. Had fun watching different groups of my friends play with one another and it was indeed a heartwarming sight. Had so much fun laughing over ddakji failures, and I was definitely impressed by how well some of my friends can use chopsticks to kiap marbles of different sizes. 

And now, presenting my freaking awesome birthday cake!!!

After a week of searching for bakeries to customize my cake at an affordable price, Sissy and I almost gave up because the prices were….exorbitant, at least for our requirements. Thankfully, we found Cuen Cuen Foo, my mum's friend. I was so so so relieved to have found her and I have nothing but praises for her services. Prices were affordable, and she was so patient with me despite me bombarding her with my questions and requests. Not only did she try to help me think of an idea to help put all my requests together, she even drew it out for me to approve! X.X I am so impressed at her dedication even though this is not her full-time job. 

And, that's not all. Look at the cupcakes!

I simply asked for the cupcakes to come in a similar theme and she came up with this design all by herself! :) 

Oh and she managed to finish baking both the cake & cupcakes in a week! 

I am beyond happy for this cake. Hahaha. This is my first (and probably my last) time having such a pretty, two-tierred cake. 

If you are interested in engaging Cuen Cuen Foo for her bakery services, you can contact me and I'll pass her contact to you. Because I got her contact personally, I'm not sure if she's comfortable with me sharing it as this is not her full-time day job. So….yep. I'll be glad to be the middlemen, especially after all she has done for me. 

I am really truly blessed to have them as family. 

Mah couzzies. It's so rare that all of us even gather together nowadays, apart from major festive seasons like CNY and X'mas. I am honestly touched that all of you made the effort to turn up despite all your hectic schedules now. We definitely need some more couzzies' bonding time soon. 

Mah aunts and uncles. Le random JP got called in by my Dad. Hahahahaha. 

My aunt from the paternal side who has doted on me so much ever since the day I was born. She doesn't have a child on her own and I know, despite her constant nagging, that she really treat Sissy and I as her own daughters and has always been giving us her best even though she is not doing very well herself. Although my dayi from my maternal side is my godmother, I do feel that she is very much deserving to be my godmum too. 姑姑,谢谢您对我无微不至的照顾与爱。

5/8 of MG 
Despite 修-ing 福 in my past life, I knew I couldn't have been a saint because these mofos are 我前世造的孽. Hahaha. No matter how many angels I have been gifted with this life, I know I can never live the same way without these devils. Thank you guys for your random presents, endless kp-ness and despite treating me like "one of the dudes", thank you bros for constantly being on the look-out for me whenever I'm with you all. 

My wish for us is that we will never ever grow distant and that you all will stay the same as mofos like you all are now, and we will continue to be this tight 70 years down the road. That is, if we all live till then :X

p.s. The other 3, you all owe me one, I don't care. 

My sing k kakis. It's quite amazing we're still keeping in contact (albeit irregularly) since AHS days. We need a k session pronto. I've been saying this for like….months already. Somebody please organize one :))

DWZ girls!! (And the awkward boy)
Thank you all for the birthday booklets, and those who didn't manage to turn up but still wrote in the booklet and contributed to the present. Am honestly quite surprised by some of your impressions of me (heh didn't know I so swag in all of your eyes eh :x), and am also very touched that you all know my style so well. Love the baseball top you guys got me!! ^^

Hope we all will get the chance to dance together again!

SoulVibe full force! 
Thankful I found the few of you when I first started dancing and have never regretted since. My wish for SoulVibe is that no matter how far we go in dance, I hope that we will continue to grow closer as a crew and be as tight-knit as can be. Idk if you all know me well enough to know my taste in shoes (since JP chose them), but I am really thankful for it's the thought that counts. Hahahaha. 

Tbh I don't know what to say to you guys, but I am really glad that you guys turned up despite us losing contact for awhile and not really being that close from the start. Gan dong dao… Looking back, I can't believe that we have known one another for like 4 years now and I've never ever successfully made it to supper with you guys. Whoops! I shall try my very best the next time k!

Wtffbbq kind of hair is this?!?!?! I am screwed. Grab your opportunity to have my unglam (aka ugly) moment to threaten me with in future. 

My little imp. MY. Only I am allowed to bully her and likewise, only she is allowed to bully me. Don't ever mess with sisters; it's double the trouble with women. 

But as you know, no matter how much I love my sister….

This is proof of how annoying she can be. (Lucky I saw it and posed at the back :P)

The mandatory birthday song and the awkward me because I haven't had so many people celebrating my birthday with me in a long long time.

Feeling shy after the song. 

Since it was my 21st, I decided to be greedy and made wishes for my family, SV, MG and myself. Teehee. If my wishes for the past 20 years didn't come true, all I ask is for all the wishes I made on this day to.

My super late couzzie who missed everything so….I could only take a pic with him while holding up a piece of my cake. Well, at least it said "21". Lol. 

Oh and my pictures with my paternal uncle were suddenly removed from my SD card and I have no clue how it happened so Imma save my dedication to him in my next post. He's one hell of a personality so…wait for it.

Mah pretty cupcakes….Imma miss you!!!

Super awesome gifts from my awesome friends!! If I had to choose, I would say I love the handwritten notes/cards/booklets the most because….nothing beats heartfelt words on paper to constantly remind me to 知足常乐, and to always have happy moments to look back on whenever I'm down.  This was the sole reason why I got my sister to prepare a guestbook and I've read every single bit of it. I will always take them out and read all your heartfelt notes to constantly remind myself to cherish everything - the people, the things I own, materially and spiritually, and the unforgettable moments that I have in my life. Thank you errrbadi for your kind words and love. I know I am AWESOME! ^^

And I promise on all your love, for as long as they last, to always get back stronger on my feet every time I fall. 


Most of the party people left around 10-ish 11pm and when I came back up, SV was having a cypher…say whut?!?!  

"Dancers will always find the opportunity to dance because dancing is a lifestyle." - Jolyn

Yeah coming from me who rejected the chants of "solo, solo, solo" from DWZ and SV right after the birthday song. Hahahahaha. 

I am sorry guys, I really really wanted to, since everybody will be nice to me even if i didn't do well cus it's my birthday party anyway. Hahahahaha, I kid. But honestly, I was really tempted to, but my dress was like "do anything close to dancing and I will expose your undies", so I really really couldn't. And if I had said so, you guys will probably make me change (since it's my house anw) and I couldn't even think about changing in and out of clothes just to do a solo at that point of time so….I'm sorry. Owe you all a solo k. 

My super chio, super swag birthday nails. Am immensely proud of this because I'd received compliments on them even in Tokyo and they were 100% DIY. Did the colorful base by myself, and the initial plan was for my Sissy to do paint splatters over them but it failed so we used crackled polish instead. Designs on the index fingers were done by her tho. 

After the party ended, we had to clean up the mess and I was exhausted max but……I had to pack my luggage because…..I'll be flying to Tokyo the next day!!! Hahahaha. YOLO max please. 

When I told people I was flying to Tokyo the next day during the party, reactions I got was like…"REALLY?! TOMORROW?! You not tired ah?"

Well, I did promise myself that 2014 would be one hell of a fulfilling year since it's the year I enter adulthood, and I gotta say, I'm still living by (and will live by) that resolution right to the very last day of 2014. 


Woke up feeling a tinge of sadness that MY day, the "MY PARTY" day, is all over and all that stress we had felt while rushing to prepare for it had only come down to one hectic day that I could barely relish in because everything happened too quickly. Well, things always happen quickly and time always passes fast when you're having fun so at least I know for sure I had fun. 

Taking lots of pictures with the "21" gold balloons because heck, they were expensive. 

Had to take a few shots with the entire setting despite my super cui face and even more cui hair because I'm in an outfit that actually suited the dress code for my party. I was asked "Your outfit K-pop Hip Hop meh?" by almost everyone yesterday and I had to keep telling everyone, emphasizing: The point is for you all to dress like that (K-pop Hip Hop) and for me to dress up so I will stand out what. Tsk. 

Anw the dress code also quite fail because not many managed to turn up adhering to it but, for the few of you who did, I am touched. Thank you for being so spontaneous and sporting unlike the other mofos. Teehee. 

I will continue on from this to my trip in Tokyo so do keep coming back to read about my super awesome life if you feel that yours is just….meh. 

Hahahaha. I kid. 

Once again, I am immensely thankful to each and every one of you who contributed to making yet another milestone in my life so incredibly memorable. 

Arigatou Gozaimasu. 
Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart,


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