Monday, January 5

Tokyo Japan Day 1

Although my new year's post will be late for quite some time. Nyehehe.
Meanwhile, enjoy reading about my trip to Tokyo, Japan.

But before that…

As promised, here's my uncle who was missing from my previous post. The other photos are in my phone so I'll just upload them to the Facebook album when I transfer the pics. 

This photo is edited by him btw. Just goes to show how crazy and siao ding dong he is. Imagine how weirded out I was when he went up to my friends at my party and announced "HELLO!!!! I AM JOLYN'S UNCLE! SHE CALL ME PEHPEH!" in a position that was very similar to his pose in the photo. 

However, despite how greatly embarrassing he can be, I think we share quite a few similar traits that can't be found in my parents. Being nocturnal is one out of the many. And he is the most modern, open-minded adult I had growing up, who allowed me to do many things despite it not being what many would deem "acceptable". (He brought me out to drink once when I was still 17…) Hahahahaa. 

You would probably think that he condones bad behavior and stuff, but no, he simply thinks that life is a path only oneself can choose which upon to walk, and so he leaves that decision to us, no matter how young we were, and for that, he was and still is and will always be, my favorite uncle. 

Ok now I'm done with the sappy stuff. Moving on...


Woke up late afternoon and prepared to head to the airport. My family not only went to send me off, they even treated us to dinner! Yay!

Had dinner at Astons and I must really say, their standard has dropped so much from when I first tried it when I was 17. 

A result of her trying to photo bomb a pic of my drink -.-

After-effects of hosting a party: Hair in a mess, face extremely swollen.

The 3 bears in my family, machiam photocopied. 

Super loved and super proud to have my awesome possum family send me off. They are da best!

To be honest, I wasn't feeling super excited yet probably due to the energy-draining day I had before but now, looking back at the photos I took, I guess I was pretty excited deep inside.  

Now I'm just thinking "Why the hell was I even amazed by this?" OK to save myself a little bit from all your judging eyes right now, they were a lot bigger in real life. But ok, I still don't get why I was amazed by it at all. 


Flight got delayed for like almost 2 hours and so our time in transit at HK was a lot shorter. However, it was pretty much a good thing because we took a late night flight and pretty much everything was closed anyway. 

Touched down at Narita Airport in Tokyo and we found our way to the hotel by taking a train and the metro. 

It was cold but still tolerable despite how little I am dressed in, because prior to the trip, I asked if we should bring thick clothes and JP, having done his research, was like "Now autumn leh, you think winter ah? Now there on average 15 degrees only". So that jacket is probably the thickest piece of clothing I brought with me. 

When we touched down, the weather was still pretty good so it wasn't that cold. Little did I know, we had to suffer soon enough for the lack of warm clothing we had. 

Ticket subs for the Narita Express operated by JR. 

The train damn cool please, they even got a cabin specially for ladies (but not for our train). According to JP, it's to protect ladies from being felt up when it gets crowded because apparently, foreigners watch too much *ahem* porn *ahem*. 

I was very amazed with having a food tray that comes with the seat because…I'm a suaku Singaporean who have never taken a train. Like a real train, not the MRT. 

After almost an hour plus, we finally found our hotel at Ningyocho. I kind of forgot the name of the hotel because during the entire trip, we were only focusing on recognizing the route to the hotel. I'll try to get back to that on the next post. 

Edit: Hotel name is Sotetsu Fresa Inn Nihombashi. 

Our humble abode for the next 8 days. 

By the time we were settled down, it was already 5 plus in Tokyo time. The shops there usually close around 8pm on average, some earlier, some later, depending on the day of the week and the location the shops are at. Those on the streets will usually close earlier than those in the malls. On fridays and saturdays, some shops close a lot later too, like around 10pm. 

Headed out almost immediately after we checked in. Decided to go to Ginza since it's a shopping district and there's not much left for us to do except to grab some dinner and do a little window-shopping. 

Super duper excited because every building here is really beautiful, and almost every known brand here has a building on its own. 

Chrome Hearts! Didn't get anything on the first day though. 

Our first street food: Tako Balls.
 Holy mama. NOTHING CAN EVER EVER BEAT AUTHENTIC TAKO BALLS! Now that I'm back in Sg, I always think thrice before buying tako balls from certain franchises. This is one dope shit. They made it on the spot and it was freaking hot but despite almost scalding our tongues, we still can taste the burst of flavor from the sauce. I was most certainly surprised when I can actually pick up the damn ball with chopsticks and not have it slide open and see the fillings fall out (if you know what I mean). 

Freaking chio Shiseido boutique where I got my foundation refills and primer for my Sis. 

After walking around for a few hours, we stopped by a random Japanese restaurant for dinner because…it was difficult to navigate to find food places and many shops have already started closing. Plus it was a "smoking" restaurant. By that, I meant that the restaurant allowed customers to smoke inside at your own table. There are a lot of such restaurants there so I'm just going to refer to them as "smoking" restaurants. 

Udon that I thought tasted good but was only so-so after we tried many more restaurants on the rest of the days. 

JP's Katsu don that was way way better. The omelette was sweet and I like it that way. 
Walked back to the metro station after dinner and on the way, we saw Uniqlo and it was still open. Decided to take a look because heck, it was freaking 12 storeys high. 

I sound like I'm on drugs or something omg. Do I sound like that to you all all the time? Or does my voice change only on videos?

Proof of how huge their building were. Can you imagine the culture shock? Like whenever I see a brand I know, it's like Bam! Easily 5 Storeys. And we saw like 3-4 Shiseido buildings there, just imagine how many more of other bigger, more well-known brands' buildings there were. 

Headed back home at around 10 plus and got back to the hotel at around 11-ish cus we stopped my Family Mart near our hotel to stock up on drinks and snacks. 

That's all for Day 1. Sounds meh but I swear, we were just warming up. 


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