Thursday, January 15

Tokyo Day 2 / J'Renix 21st ♡


I finally turned 21!!!! Teehee.

Planned to go DisneySea on the actual day of my birthday so that I can always remember that I spent my 21st at the place where "Dreams Come True" ♡

But….it was a bad morning because I woke up to a swollen face and even more swollen eyes and I hadn't got anything to save it. Left most of my stuff back at home like my double eyelid tape and falsies and I was so sad because it's my freaking 21st birthday and we're going Disney but I'll turn out looking like shit in most of the photos :'( 

And and and, halfway through we found out that we had forgotten to on the multi switch for the camera and therefore, it wasn't fully charged :((( 

Thus, some photos were taken using JP's phone since he kept boasting to me that his phone camera's resolution is higher than mine. 

Sibei ugly eyes please. 

And…since it was really cold, I simply layered whatever I had and I realized…my fashion sense that day….cui. 

Hahahaha it was damn quiet in their trains and the Japs prefers privacy so…I didn't dare talk too much. Lol. 

Reached a little too early so we had Krispy Kreme for breakfast first! ^^

Now I can't stop looking at my eyes in every pic :/

Any random picture of the scenery looks beautiful because that is how magical Disney is. 

Disney resort line's tickets. 

DisneySea Entrance Passes! ^^
Pardon le me taking selfies while trying to open my eyes big big. 

The mandatory tourist shot. Everything is so pretty  

This is the freaking Tower Of Terror that is, in my opinion, the scariest ride, but also my favorite ride, in DisneySea. It takes you up to idk how many freaking storeys and yeah, it drops. It was damn scary because….we took the ride without knowing what the hell it was.

 As you can see from the picture, the 2 of us were already preparing for what it to come.

How this ride works is that we queue from outside, and once we reach inside, they line you up according to numbers and you take the corresponding seat. We were told to put our bags in front of us in the seat, and all we had were SEATBELTS! So JP and I were like…only seat belts, bag still can put with us, should be nothing one la. Until…the "lift"-like container starts going up…we had a sense something big is coming, so when it was photo time a few levels up, our faces were pretty much constipated. Lololol. 

Then it reached one storey where there was a broken window. The first thing I felt was cold wind slapping my face, then the entire DisneySea right in front of my eyes below me, and in that split second all that was going through my mind was "Oh fuck….honggan" ….then the container dropped. And that was not all….it dropped, went up to a lower level, dropped again, shoots all the way up to the broken-window-storey, and we see the freaking scenery a second time. And this time, it drops all the way to the 2nd/3rd floor before slowing down to a stop on the 1st. 

What. The. Fuck. 

I had a mini trauma after that ride and made sure I prep myself before every ride we took after that. 

Mini performance by Disney characters that we didn't get to see much. But we caught Mickey and Minnie kissing!  >.<

I got no idea what is this supposed to be. 

Can you believe this is taken in a themed park?!?! 

Super cute Mr and Mrs Incredible mascots. 


Nothing too fantastic, but at the very least, the price is more reasonable and it taste better than food in USS. 

Tbh this ride wasn't that scary. It was just a sudden movement and like I said, I tried to prep myself in every ride after the TOT so….ya. 

Because I'm born vain. 

We spent a very long time trying to take jumpshots before we gave up and so you can see the difference in the sky color. 

So crazily beautiful. 


Went inside this super pretty looking place and found an even prettier underwater world. It's super magical I swear. I was looking over the entire place up on the 2nd level and I wished I was a professional photographer just so I could capture the beauty of the entire place.  

Got curious and bought ice cream sandwich despite the cold :p

It was damn nice! I finished the entire thing before we got out of that place :D 

Bought express pass for the volcano-roller-coaster ride! 

We came out and saw this. It was actually some sort of a big-scale performance where all the disney characters appear musical-style and we missed like almost 3/4 of it. And because we were late, there was already a massive crowd and poor shortie me can't see shit. Lol I could only see Mickey standing on top of some tall-thingy amidst the fountain. -.-'''

 Since we got express pass, we decided to do something that we wouldn't usually do…
Disney Character's Meet-and-Greet!

Went for Donald's because it was only half an hour and it's JP's favorite Disney character. I wanted to meet Mickey but his queue is crazy. Like almost 2 hours crazy. Yeah, IKR! 

See?!?! I wasn't kidding. 

Afterwards we went around taking more pictures because everything looked so different at night. 

While walking around, we saw a lot of commotion going around so I went to ask the staff what was going on and she told me the fireworks show is coming up. We were so lucky to be able to catch this because we did not check show timings and all and had already missed the Disney characters' show so I felt really really lucky. 

Last ride of the day - The Center of the Earth (aka the volcano-roller-coaster)

By the way, I love how the express pass works here. We only figured it out during our last few rides so  it was a pity that we had spent so much time queueing but fortunately, we did manage to finish most of the rides. 

So basically, the express pass for the rides can be bought outside the entrance/exit and it only works for certain timings. Plus, visitors who purchase an express pass for a certain ride are not allowed to buy another for other rides until a certain timing which means that, it is fair for everyone. 

For example, if you buy an express ticket at Tower of Terror, they will give you a timing to come back, let's say, 5.15pm. It will be valid for an hour so you can come back to queue anytime within 5.15-6.15pm. So for example if you bought the express pass at 4pm, you can go and queue for other rides / eat during this time period from 4pm to 5.15pm. The catch is, you will not be able to buy another express pass until 6pm, so there are times where you definitely need to join the normal queue. 

This system is so smart omg. USS should definitely consider doing this so that visitors are more willing to buy express pass without worrying that the express queue would be damn long as well, and it would also be more fair to those in the normal queue because they don't need to wait that long. 

This is the Tower of Terror!

You see the broken window all the way at the top near the pointy end? That was how high the drop was at. The other opening in the middle of the castle/tower was where the photo was taken.  
When we walked past it, JP and I were discussing if that was really the height at which we fell from, because….it's really damn fucking high. Like almost twenty storeys? Idk la but it definitely did felt like twenty storeys while we were inside. 

Up till now I still can't believe I took a free-fall ride with only seat belts on. *Insert shocked emoji here*

Everything lights up in the night and it was as if the entire place transformed into another world at night. It's amazing how a place so beautiful and magical can be even more so once the skies turn dark. 

  for my favorite place in Tokyo! 

We stayed all the way until the park closed and headed back to Ningyocho station. Decided to try Macs for dinner simply because it's a must to try Macs in different countries. 

We were freezing in DisneySea the entire day because like I said, we were underprepared and even though we were wearing 3 layers, the layers were really thin t-shirts. Imagine this, every time when there's wind blowing in our direction we would squeal and proceed to hug each other until the wind passed. And the worst was when there was a ride where we had to queue outdoors. Ohmahgawd. I practically hopped my way to the ride. 

Vending machines with warm drinks were our saviour every day we were there. Hahahaha. 

Went to Family Mart and 7-11 to buy some necessities. Definitely needed a beanie and I couldn't wait till we go shopping to get one anymore because we were freezing in DisneySea.  Bought heater tights because no matter how much keeping warm is important, girls will be girls. 

Amazingly, albeit I still feel cold from time to time, my legs weren't as cold as I thought it would be wearing these tights, so I guess it really works. 

Loots I got from DisneySea. Was forced to get the overpriced gloves due to the cold. Lol. 

I had an amazing 21st and I am really thankful that I get to celebrate this special day in such a beautiful and magical place. It was as if I was living in my very own fantasy world and for that, every imperfection of the day is forgotten. 

My family skyped me at night to sing me the birthday song because I fell asleep before midnight the day before, and it was also my first birthday without them by my side. Teehee, cutest family ever. So so so thankful for them. I count my blessings everyday that I am able to receive so much love from the people around me.

It was the best day I had in 2014. 


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