Thursday, March 3



I can finally say....

Been looking forward to this day for the past 22 years of my life. 
Don't we all yearn for the day we can finally be free from school, lessons, homework, lectures, tutorials, projects, tuitions, tests and exams?!

The freedom is real, so is the sense of lost. 

I can't really explain the mix of emotions. I was really happy to finally be able to put on a university graduation gown and a mortar board. I was overjoyed to see my parents' proud faces. I was excited for the freedom to come. 

But at the same time, I did not feel as attached to this school as I did to my previous schools. I did not spend as much time here. My graduation ceremony was too far apart from my last day of school (10 months away to be exact). It honestly didn't feel like it was gonna be a big day. 

Anyway, I still managed to get myself out of bed early in the morning and head to SIM with my anxiously excited (or excitedly anxious) parents and thank god for my mum who remembered to bring every single thing needed for the ceremony. 

Got dressed in the gown and my parents couldn't wait to take pictures already. 

As with most graduation ceremonies, everyone was very "enthusiastic" during the speeches and we were all just waiting to finally get up from our seats. 

Took an awful shot with RMIT's chancellor. 
I can never look good in any "receive-award" pictures, NEVER. Oh lord. 
It was so horrible I refused to let my mum print it out and keep a picture. 
Mum, maybe you can print this one. 

After the awards ceremony is of course, the mandatory photo-taking session with family and friends. 
Didn't actually tell a lot of people about today, in fact I only told a select few. 

Am still mad that my partner-in-crime couldn't make it. 
Rox, when the hell are we actually gonna have nice pictures? :/

WARNING: This is one of the biggest photo-vomit post ever.

Why my papa stand so far away from me? :/

Yes, my baby sis is taller than me. Zzz. 

Have to take more photos with this bro b/c he actually rushed down from an army event in his army uniform. 感動...

What goes on behind the pretty pictures: 

Forever kena bullied. 

And wth is this supposed to be?

Finally moving on to the cliche graduate photos of:

1. Throwing the mortarboard in the air
2. Jumpshot

After countless tries, I think I gave up capturing a good one.

And here comes the next challenge:

I look damn ridiculous please. 

Thankfully I had a few successful jump shots which I eventually posted on IG, if not my sis will probably kill me. 

Daddy insisted on taking photos with the word "Success" on the wall. 

And you can tell I'm shagged as hell b/c this was right after the countless jump shots. 

And... my papa wanna try how it feels like wearing a mortarboard...
That shit is a burden, I swear. 

Had a post-grad treat that night.
It was supposedly a celebration but .... I had alcohol and this idiot kept making fun of my red-as-hell face afterwards :<

Okay but still, thank you for the mini celebration and for the treat. 
I have always wanted to try the desserts at 2AM but I've never gotten around to it. 
So thank you, I really appreciate you paying attention to what I say and bringing me there. 

Okay although I've already posted my thank you's on IG, still gonna thank these people once again:

#1 : My Parents

Daddy, Mummy, 
Thank you for bringing me up, putting me through school, working hard to make sure I never had to worry about my school fees, or my meals, or my miscellaneous expenses even. Thank you for all the chicken essence prepared in the mornings of my exams. Thank you for always believing in me, believing I can do it despite all the rebellious times. Thank you for your utmost support in every single thing I do. Thank you for tolerating my tantrums whenever I got tired, and lastly,
Thank you, for always being proud of me
I am proud to be your daughter too. 

#2 : My Sister

I still can't believe how much our relationship has changed over the years. 
I know that we've grown apart during the years we were in different schools, in different stages of our separate lives so I am extremely glad that we got closer as we pass our teenage years. 
Always thankful to have your listening ear whenever I needed to rant. Always grateful to have your shoulder whenever I needed to cry. 
Remember when we were young and we'd do stupid things together and protect each other from our parents? 
You will always be my partner-in-crime for life. 

"The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend."
A best friend.

#3 : Roxanne

Do you know how far back I have to dig for this picture?! We really need to stop forgetting to take pictures every time we meet, I can't believe this is the only decent photo of us after 5 freaking years! 

Anyway, I just wanna say how thankful I am to have you throughout this journey. Thank you for always sacrificing yourself to go and get project mates for us because I refuse to approach people. Hahahaha. 
On a serious note here though, thank you for being so similar yet different from me. It's like you understand me so well and you feel me most of the time, yet, you are still able to teach me to see things from a different perspective. Thank you for always being so encouraging, and for motivating me to work hard towards my dreams. Thank you for always showing your support in things that matter to me.
I really appreciate that a lot. 
Last but not least, thank you for always keeping me in check. Lol. 
I really don't know how to survive this 1.5 years of uni without you. Thank you.
And see you soon. 

#4 : MG

Thank you, for being the #1 listener and advisor. 
Bro, it's in you, you can't run from it. 
Excel in psychology, you can do it. 

Thank you, for always showing your support in every thing I do. 

Thank you, for always being able to make me laugh, especially during times when I can't even smile.

Thank you, for all the h2h's and secrets. 

Thank you bros, for always having my back. 
I've already said what I wanted to individually on my IG so I'm not gonna repeat that mushiness here. 
And to the other 2 idiots who couldn't make it, the "thank you" is extended to you as well. 

Thank you guys, for being my family. 
Once a bro, always a bro. 

Now, I can officially say :





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