Wednesday, November 9

Th brightest star

I'm sorry for leaving this space hanging for quite awhile. Been pretty busy with everything now, school, CMCC AP, Pool, and having abit more fun tha usual :D

But tonight that sense of nostalgia hits me hard again. 10 more days to my birthday...a year ago, we discovered you were sick. I disliked going to the hospital to see you, I disliked rubbing ointment on your wounds, I disliked every single thing that keeps reminding us about the painful truth. A year ago, you insisted on waking up despite feeling weary, and put on your best clothes just to take pictures with us for my 17th. A year ago, you gave the brightest smile I had ever seen just to give me the best memory. A year ago, I hugged you tight and prayed so hard that I never had to let go. A year ago, I wished my life could start all over again just so I can cherish you more.

This one year had been so hard, filled with so much craziness, so many falls I had to pick myself up from. But I continue to brave through every single obstacle, because I kept faith that you will always be watching over me, protecting me, loving me. I believed you would lead me to greater heights, help me find my way through this screwed up maze of life.

But do you know, despite feeling you are there beside me all the time, I still miss you. I miss you so much sometimes I don't know whether to feel happy or sad. I really wanna hug you again, so goddamn much. This ache in me is something nobody can heal, but I really hope one day, we'll be back to where we had began again, that I can hear the same annoying nagging again, that I can call you........

Can you see me now? Can you hear me when I speak to you? 10 more days, I really wished I could see you, somewhere, again.

I love you, Grandma. Always and forever will.

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