Friday, September 28

Wedding Bells

Yesterday, on the 26th of September was the boy's bro's wedding day, & I was pretty hyped because it had been long since I'd last attended a wedding dinner. 

Finally broke in my new heels from BKK 3 months ago. Such a pretty baby, but it got ruined by the rain. :( 
The sole sticker peeled off & bits off the glue kept getting onto my feet sticking them together with the heels. Anybody who knows anywhere that sells sole stickers, please please please let me know okay? Actually I had found some retailing in Guardian, but they came in an ugly grey leopard print - I would very much prefer plain ones.

Finally had a chance to dress up & doll up so I broke out my falsies & finally put on some liner. 
It's really pretty rare that I doll up these days & even more rare that the boyf is in formal wear that I started snapping pictures of us both on the iPhone & camera. 

OOTD: Dress - The Editor's Market, Cardigan - Genting, Necklace - Gift, Watch - Seiko

Was wearing my favourite dress from Editor's Market that I couldn't stop gushing about after I wore it to CMCC D&D 2011. But anyway the boyf chose this one after I shortlisted like 3 dresses, so I guess we have similar (exceptionally good) taste?  

& If you know me well, given a chance when I put in effort to doll up...

These are obviously not all but because I might have raped the snap button a bit too much, now that I have uploaded my pictures & found going through all of them a hassle, I just chose these 3 to add filters.

The upcoming picture will prove just how self-obsessed I really am.

Yes all those in a span of...5 mins. Have I broken a record yet? :x

The boyf just can't stop laughing at me.

The wedding was rather simple, sweet & short. & I guess almost all weddings are somewhat similar; Food and photo spamming. The food never stops coming right up to the last dish, and there was a lot of photo taking.

I overheard the other wedding dinner that was held right next to us having a video clip, & I vaguely remembered seeing one at one of my relative's wedding too. Just the thought of looking at pictures that dictate a couple's journey makes me smile. Yes, we girls are suckers for things like these.

Didn't manage to capture any photos using my camera/phone because I was using their family's camera to snap pictures during the ROM & during the dinner, I was just really focusing on what they were saying to even remember to take photos. 

Mummy also just informed me that another relative of mine is getting married this December 2nd.
2 sad events last year, 2 happy events this year. I'm starting to wonder if this is purely a coincidence or my beloved granny is trying to make me feel happier. But anyway, it's time to start sourcing for another dress to wear for that special occasion. :)

Tomorrow's BIG BANG ALIVE TOUR, & I'm still too excited to sleep. It's going to be the 1st live concert I'm going to, & just the thought of TOP... *melts*.
Sissy just passed me a TOP fan & told me to write whatever I want & throw it up onto the stage tomorrow, claiming that a lot of people did it at the Super Junior concert. Can anybody tell me if any SuJu member added you on Twitter or actually called you back? Lol.

It probably wouldn't work anyway but I might still do it for the sake of it because after all, YOLO right? ;)

Alright, I shall go put on a mask before zonking out. After tomorrow, there's hell lot of work to do & I'll need all the sleep I can have. 

Good night world.


Wednesday, September 26

Melty Kisses

Please do pardon the weak title for this post because I have no idea what to name it but I thought my posts will look better with a title, so yeah.

Pictures of the cakes I mentioned in my last post:

Brownie Cheesecake

Hazelnut Praline <3 p="p">

Yeah, super delish we polished up every single crumb.

Anyway nothing much has been up this week, & it's very very rare I get to have so many days to laze around & practically do nothing so I am cherishing every single moment like these. Though I did have a lot of pool training, on Wed, Fri & Sat. Hell, it felt pretty amazing to be able to improve, even if it's a little. 

Otherwise, have been staying over at the boy's & almost every day I wake up to brunch like this: 

Yes, cooked specially by the boy. Are you jelly?

Sunday was the semi-finals & finals of Monstercue's Regulars Annual 8-ball Tournament.
And, wait for it.....

The boyf clinched Champion! ^^ Yes, I am very proud of him, and it made waking up at dawn & all that walking a lot more worthwhile.

Went out to meet Suwern baby on Monday b/c it'd been too long since we last met on her birthday. Accompanied her to settle her work stuff before heading to get my manicure done in time for boy's brother's wedding.  ;)

OOTD: Tank Dress - Mango, Top - BKK, Bracelet - Unavailable blogshop, Bag -,
Watch - Seiko, Necklace - BKK

The picture is really dark anyway because it's an all-black outfit, but I really liked what I wore on that day a lot, so I'm posting this for my own future reference.

Mani of the day: OPI Warn & Fuzzie
Had a really hard time trying to choose a pretty color, and it sure doesn't help that both Werny & I are both fickle people. Had a pretty decent catchup session though short, & I can't wait till the next time again. Have to save up some cash for a shopping trip together ASAP okay baby? 

After that, rushed down to Yishun Safra to watch boyf playing for bowling league, & b/c he said he wasn't feeling very confident, I got Custard Buns from Bao Jin Tian to motivate him since he liked them so much. Don't know when the results will be out but I really hope his team gets into Top 5.

Okay the wedding dinner is tomorrow & I just confirmed to be attending the ROM ceremony in the morning as well few hours ago. Which means I am left with...4 hours of sleep. Oh crap.

Alright to end off, here's a camwhore shot; which by the way is really rare because I hardly camwhore nowadays...which is also really rare.
Did I just mindfuck you? ;b 

Wednesday, September 19

Okay I'm finally back in the comfort of my home using my new MacBook Pro which I haven't really been using much. Didn't even manage to upload photos. Totally in a slacking mood now so I just finished putting on a facial mask & scrolled through some blogs.

Realized I have left this space real empty for really long, & despite my resolution to blog more often, I had been too lazy to. Especially uploading pictures & all. Plus now it's the holidays & I'm rarely spending much time at home.

But these past 2 months had been really awesome, & I thought I ought to start blogging more often so that I can keep a physical record of beautiful moments & in the future, I can come back to read & relive the happy times again & again.

Had really good breakfast prepared mostly by the boyf for the past 2 days: think scrambled eggs, sausages, hash browns, tuna salad balls, etc. Too good. Though I've been putting on weight quite consistently ever since we got together, well I shall just take it as a sign of bliss.  :)

The boyf didn't played well for his bowling league on Monday night, & so in a bid to cheer him up, I promised to bring him out for some nice cakes on Tuesday. & so we headed out rather early that day.

Forgot what the shop is called, but it's tucked away in a small corner of Arab Street, opposite Tutti Frutti. I ordered Hazelnut Praline while he wanted Brownie Cheesecake, & when our orders came, mine tasted slightly better because of the biscuit layers & hazelnut cream which tasted a lot like tiramisu. But both were really yummy though.

Have been really cash-strapped these days. Really regretted not saving up when I had more money. Sighs. Couldn't even bear to splurge on the watch I had been eyeing for quite some time. & worse, yesterday we walked through BHG Bugis, & I went to take a look at the RADO watches which was the boy's favorite brand. & I saw 2 designs which I really really wanted. But....4 digits. Oh well. Guess I'll have to wait for another year to be able to afford them.

Honestly, I really can't wait to graduate & get some kind of job. Part-time job + full-time studies, or full-time job + part-time studies? Can't make up my mind. Oh well at least I have another 5 more months to think about it.

Okay enough with the blabbering. Shall go prepare some form of lunch for the boyf b/c he has been such a sweetheart, pampering me like a princess so much. Did I mention? Few days back I mentioned that I want to play Tekken on his PS3 & asked if he has it. He didn't, but he said we can go find it though & see how much it costs. & So as we entered some games shop to look for it, we found a few installments, Tekken 6, Tekken Hybrid & Tekken Tag Tournament 2, the last being the latest, & he almost immediately paid for it. I was really surprised, b/c I thought we were just there to check out the prices so we can save for it together. & all he said was "I know you want play mah, then play also must play the best mah." Lol. How not to love such a sweetie?

Okay sorry for digression. But yes shall go raid the fridge to see what I can come up with & off I go. Pool training tonight, I hope I do better.