Wednesday, September 26

Melty Kisses

Please do pardon the weak title for this post because I have no idea what to name it but I thought my posts will look better with a title, so yeah.

Pictures of the cakes I mentioned in my last post:

Brownie Cheesecake

Hazelnut Praline <3 p="p">

Yeah, super delish we polished up every single crumb.

Anyway nothing much has been up this week, & it's very very rare I get to have so many days to laze around & practically do nothing so I am cherishing every single moment like these. Though I did have a lot of pool training, on Wed, Fri & Sat. Hell, it felt pretty amazing to be able to improve, even if it's a little. 

Otherwise, have been staying over at the boy's & almost every day I wake up to brunch like this: 

Yes, cooked specially by the boy. Are you jelly?

Sunday was the semi-finals & finals of Monstercue's Regulars Annual 8-ball Tournament.
And, wait for it.....

The boyf clinched Champion! ^^ Yes, I am very proud of him, and it made waking up at dawn & all that walking a lot more worthwhile.

Went out to meet Suwern baby on Monday b/c it'd been too long since we last met on her birthday. Accompanied her to settle her work stuff before heading to get my manicure done in time for boy's brother's wedding.  ;)

OOTD: Tank Dress - Mango, Top - BKK, Bracelet - Unavailable blogshop, Bag -,
Watch - Seiko, Necklace - BKK

The picture is really dark anyway because it's an all-black outfit, but I really liked what I wore on that day a lot, so I'm posting this for my own future reference.

Mani of the day: OPI Warn & Fuzzie
Had a really hard time trying to choose a pretty color, and it sure doesn't help that both Werny & I are both fickle people. Had a pretty decent catchup session though short, & I can't wait till the next time again. Have to save up some cash for a shopping trip together ASAP okay baby? 

After that, rushed down to Yishun Safra to watch boyf playing for bowling league, & b/c he said he wasn't feeling very confident, I got Custard Buns from Bao Jin Tian to motivate him since he liked them so much. Don't know when the results will be out but I really hope his team gets into Top 5.

Okay the wedding dinner is tomorrow & I just confirmed to be attending the ROM ceremony in the morning as well few hours ago. Which means I am left with...4 hours of sleep. Oh crap.

Alright to end off, here's a camwhore shot; which by the way is really rare because I hardly camwhore nowadays...which is also really rare.
Did I just mindfuck you? ;b 

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