Thursday, January 2

5 "Resolutions" for 2014

I haven't done new year resolutions for awhile, ever since 3 years ago actually. There wasn't a point because we'd forget all about it eventually, or lack the determination to carry 'em out. So here's 5 things I wanna achieve in 2014. Nothing big, nothing amazing, but it's to remind me that I have dreams waiting for me. 

1. Better academic results
2. Try out new things and new experiences in dance 
(yes guys, I promised at least one [small] competition)
3. Explore more out of my comfort zone
4. Be more disciplined in exercising 
5. Start proper planning for business 

In 2014, I hope I'll continue to have the strength to overcome obstacles and faith to pursue my dreams. In 2014, I hope I'll remain true to myself and not let circumstances change me. In 2014, I hope everyone around me will grow closer, with more love instead of animosity. And in 2014, I wish for nothing but a year of discovery, awesome experiences, and crazy dreams. 

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