Monday, January 6

The Season of Giving


Reached Sg at around 10 at night. Everyone gathered around for Christmas exchange and of course as usual, pictures taking. 

Memorial of Kor's hand where he tried to photo bomb us thinking it was a phone camera. There goes a wasted polaroid. Hahaha. Epic moment. 

Success on the 3rd try :)

My presents from under the tree! The moment the "kids" love the most: our names being called to receive the presents. ^^

Super excited when I saw this because I wanted to get it the other time. Pris told her Mum to get this for me because she thinks I'll like it. Thank you Laopo, you know me best! 

Adorable us with adorable headbands :D

The yearly tradition that never fails; us gathering at one of the houses with presents for everyone. Although this year's was pretty rushed b/c some of us had plans later on and there wasn't time for TCSS  with log cakes, ham and sparkling juice, it's the love we have for one another that matters. Ever year, I feel blessed to be part of this family. Love you all! 

Selfie with the pretty X'mas tree.

After that cabbed down to Victor's place to meet 'em bros. Those assholes start bullying me the moment I reached -.-
Brought my reindeer headband with me and they decided to take "mugshots" of everyone wearing it...

Didn't do much except mahjong and drank a little but it was good seeing you guys again and having a full attendance. Hope to see you all botaks soon enough. 


JP bought me One Piece Gachapon for Christmas. Now I have Chopper and Princess Shirahoshi on my shelf!!! ^^ I was already happy with them but he told me those are just "appetizers" and the real present is still in the plastic bag.....

A. Freaking. Blender. 

I have been passing comments about having a blender because it's so much easier to make fruit juice instead of the old-school juice maker we have at home (the one where you put in fruit one by one). And with a blender, there's so much more I can do, like make smoothies and milkshakes! Plus, it's useful for cooking too if you wanna blend the ingredients together. Now I have one, Woohooo! 

We decided to stay home this Christmas because everywhere else would probably be packed and it wouldn't be easy to find places for dinner and post-dinner activities anyway. Went grocery shopping for the ingredients and cooked together for this...

Made strawberry smoothie with my new blender. With a bottle of Moscato that is still in my fridge because I didn't like the taste of this one and it's too strong for me. The Brown Brothers one that JP bought after this was way better. 

Miso Chicken. 

Ham wrapped cheese franks. Supposed to be wrapped with bacon but I am a weirdo who doesn't like bacon so substituted it with ham instead. Tasted awesome! :D

Loved this dinner so much. I like how we cooked together and made the whole setting feel like we are dining at some restaurant, our own private restaurant. 

Had a good X'mas this year. Maybe Santa decided I was nice this year round. 


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