Wednesday, June 25

Hai Di Lao


Virgin experience at

Hai Di Lao Hotpot 海底捞火锅 

We decided to go to Clarke Quay for I don't know what reason to settle dinner. We were deciding between an atas Japanese restaurant and Hai Di Lao after covering the entire area and we chose JP decided to go for Hai Di Lao, maybe because I've been to the Jap restaurant with my family before, or maybe because the prices were too steep for a casual dinner. 

Because we didn't have reservations, we were given the choice to wait at the holding area, or walk around and wait for their call. Since we did quite a bit of walking already, decided to rest at the holding area, and boy I was really impressed. 

Shelves of board games, chess, rubiks cube and other games you can play with your family/friends while waiting. There are a lot of magazines too.

Manicure service even?!?1

JP refused to play chinese chess with me because he thinks he's no good, but he actually played pretty well. We had a table before the game was over though :( 

Towels to cover your bags to prevent them from getting the smoky smell. 
Patrons can also put on the aprons given, especially when you are wearing white, to prevent the soup from splashing onto your clothes. 

Warm towels. 

Chose chicken soup base and ma la soup base (which is really spicy)

Didn't order a lot because the dishes come in fixed portions so we were afraid it would be too much for us. It would be good if we had gone in a bigger group so we could try more dishes and still be able to finish them. 

The wild guy appears to perform with the la mian or something like that. Couldn't capture him properly because he was swinging the dough around very aggressively. 

Best part? I went to the ladies and got reminded of what we had in the hotel in Taiwan. But honestly, I'm a little paranoid when using this in a public place because….it's just weird. Like somehow because many others have access to it, it doesn't seem like such a good idea to wash my butt in the same toilet bowl anymore. Lol. 

Overall I think the food was pretty decent but nothing too fantastic that sets it apart from other steamboat places. However, I would most definitely be willing to pay that bit more for the quality in customer service and ambience. 

It was one of the nicest impromptu dinner so far. 


Tuesday, June 24

Taiwan Day 6

The last day, we woke up slightly later than usual. 

Fyi, we had missed our breakfast for 5 days straight because we go to bed really late every night and couldn't bear to leave the bed for the hotel breakfast every morning since it wasn't fantastic anyway. So yeah.

Since we gotta check out by 3pm, we can only shop at XiMenDing if we want to leave our luggage at the hotel. This was actually the reason why we leave XiMenDing for the first and last day of our trip. 

Coffee in the morning is a MUST for me. 
Banana Mango Frappuccino for the boy, Caramel Ribbon Crunch for me :)

Entered a super cool shop called Doobiest Store! They had organized dance events, and their shop had lots of clothes that are super comfy for dance, especially for Hip Hop. ^^ Me likey!

I have to admit the tees are a little bit overpriced though, but I'm willing to spend since I'm on a holiday. Lol. The sales assistant was really nice and friendly, helping us with a thousand and one request with a smile. 

Picture taken for an FB group post. Lol. Awkward, I know. Hey, it's my first time posing for such a thing okay! 

Shopped a lot and bought a lot of stuff on our very last spurt. Had to buy gifts for the family and I think almost all of them were bought on the last day. Hahahaha. 

The sales assistant at Doobiest Store told us where IP Dance Skool moved to so we decided to go take a look. Locker Yaobai happened to be there so we asked for a picture despite not being able to take classes there. He told us he would be coming to Singapore for an event (NTU Funk Jam) over the weekend, and because JP was going too, he said see us there. 

And guess what? We saw him during the event and he actually did recognized us and even made small talk! Whoooooo ~ 

Saying bye bye to Taiwan. 

Airplane food that was not worth the money but we were hungry. 

The sights were prettier than this but I took them with my iPhone so…didn't turn out that nice.

Our flight back. Wasn't that bad, but really, I kind of had enough of budget. At least not for any flight longer than 4 hours. 

My shopping haul minus gifts for my family. Hahaha the Chopper luggage tag is also included btw, even if it faced the wrong direction. 

Had an awesome awesome trip to Taipei, and we promised ourselves we would go back soon enough. 

Thank you for making it possible to cross one destination off my travel list 
To more travels together!


Tuesday, June 10

Taiwan Day 5


I'm feeling sad even while typing this because it's the 5th day in Taiwan and I remember how we started feeling reluctant to leave already. 

Anw, plan for the day was to visit 十分 (Shifen) to see the 十分大瀑布 (Shifen Waterfall) and 放天燈 release our own sky lantern.

Super grumpy face because the sun was scorching hot. We took the MRT to Taipei Main Station before taking a choo-choo train to 瑞芳 (Ruifang) Station which will then take us to 九分 and 十分 on different trains. 

Because we didn't know which mode of transport will be better to take us to 十分 (train, bus or cab ride), we alighted to settle lunch first. Found this place that looks really similar to the old market my grandma used to bring me to, except that the stalls here sell meals. 

滷肉飯 (Lu Rou Fan) and 貢丸湯 (Gong Wan Tang). 
Our 3rd 滷肉飯 during the trip already I think. Can never get sick of it. 

In the end we decided to take the train because it's cheaper than a cab, but faster than a bus. Hahaha. 

While waiting for the train.

Please pardon the frames and just take in the view. I was sitting right between 2 window frames and it was really awkward for me to get a good angle to capture the scenery. 

More scenery. 

Super cute boy who keeps smiling and laughing when we make funny faces at him. It was a pretty long way there (approx 1 hour?) but it didn't feel that long because we were busy taking pictures and playing with him. 

101 railway tracks shots. 
There's just something about railway tracks that makes them so….captivating. 

Perfect backdrop everywhere we walked; beautiful scenery and the old charm of a rustic town.


Hanging up our wish

The 十分大瀑布 Shifen Waterfall is not near the streets and we have to walk quite a distance. Alternatively, we can also choose to rent a scooter or bicycles or take a cab. You can rent the scooter even without a license as long as you know how to ride one. JP was test-riding and we were contemplating whether to rent it or not. However, because neither of us knows the exact distance and how the roads are like, we decided to play safe and go for the bicycles instead. 

I totally regretted not renting the bike. It'll be so much more fun and it isn't that far anyway, and I wouldn't exhaust myself so much by pedaling extremely hard to conquer the slopes which I gave up halfway and pushed my bicycle up -.-

It wasn't exactly very tiring, but the weather was being a bitch. It was scorching hot so it made cycling up the slopes even more tiring to bear. 

JP trying to take artistic pictures. Fail. 

But my selfies look more artistic no?

More railways. 

Right beside this track is the entrance for the 十分大瀑布 Shifen Waterfall and we have to pay an entrance fee to enter, which was about TWD 100 each. Praying that it's gonna be worth it. 

And it was. 

So beautiful. 

Those are droplets from the waterfall btw. Natural bokeh effect which turned out nice :) 
 I really didn't expect the waterfall to be that strong. I was a kuku who have yet to see a natural waterfall. Don't judge. 

That was all there was to it though. Was a little teeny weeny bit disappointed because we travelled really far and paid for nothing more than just a waterfall that is supposed to be free since it's part of nature. 

Bad. At. Taking. Human. Pictures. 
But I shall give him credit for the scenery. 

Found a bridge on our way back that is deserted so we quick went over for pictures. Hahaha. Told JP that if there's such a place in SG, it'll probably be our late night hangout spot. Tranquility, check. 

We came back feeling that it was a pity we didn't rent the scooter so the least we could do was to take a picture of a fake ride. Hahahaha. 

Writing our wishes on the sky lantern. Pink = Love, White = Health, Yellow = Career, Blue = Hope 

Kept on teasing JP that he's not Chinese because he insists on writing in English for everything although it's a Chinese culture thing. :x

We thought the guy didn't take the photos properly because they were missing from our camera and we got such a big scare. I mean, photos like these mean a lot to us. Recovered the photos but I still felt  sad that we didn't manage to get a closer shot of our sky lantern in the air because of the mishap with the camera but JP keeps comforting me saying at least we got the important ones. Oh well, I guess it'll be good enough if those wishes come true to make up for it :D

Artistic shot. Success. 

After the camera incident, more unfortunate events started unfolding one by one thereafter, but it's ok because it makes the trip unforgettable. 

While walking back to 十分 train station, it started to drizzle. We stopped by a stall to buy some street food, and another to buy some nougats back for our family and friends. In that few minutes of stopping, I got almost 15 mosquito bites. It was terrible. What made it worse was I was wearing stockings so I couldn't even scratch the crazy itch properly. The woman from the nougat stall told us the mosquitoes usually come out "at this time" which was in the evening, and furthermore it has just started drizzling so there will be more. Sigh. I was practically hopping while waiting for the train, trying to avoid getting any more bites. 

Took the train back to 瑞芳 (Ruifang) Station but this time round we had no seats so we gotta stand for the entire 1 hour plus. Then we had trouble looking for the correct platform to board the train back to Taipei Main Station. 

After we finally boarded the train, there's an issue with the train which cause a delay in departure at EVERY STATION and we had no seats for like the 1st 45 mins. When we finally got seats, slept the whole way and when we reached, we realized it took almost 2 hours, which meant the entire journey was almost 3 hours. 

Went back to our hotel to freshen up and decided to go to 華西街觀光夜市 (Huaxi Night Market).
It's a lot smaller compared to 士林 (Shihlin) and 饒河 (Raohe) so there's limited shopping, but the food wise 華西 (Huaxi) didn't lose out at all. 

A very nice stall owner gave us recommendations on the food we HAVE to try there. However cus we were getting tired, we didn't visit all. Went back to XiMenDing and bought some more food from the "illegal" street stalls. 

Egg pudding. 
I don't really get the hype though. Maybe we didn't buy the damn dope ones. 

滷味 (Lu Wei)
2nd one during this trip. At least we know how to order now. Hahaha. 

One of the best street food in the entire trip. Fried Muah Chee with Mango Sauce. The sauce is inside so when you bite, you taste mango together with the muah chee. 
Damn. I want this NOW. 

地瓜球 (Fried Sweet Potato Balls)
Finished in seconds. We were recommended to buy from the stall with no signboard instead of its competitor right beside. It's pretty addictive although there's no unique taste or anything like that. 

Mini sausages and 小腸 (the smaller sausages) with Curry Powder. 

蔥油餅加蛋加火腿 Scallion Pancake with egg and ham
Another best during this trip. It's soooo good we were fighting to finish it. Hahahaha. 

Barbecued corn that's such a pity. It smelt really good and the owner told us it will taste very Q. However, I think we took too long to get home and it had cooled down way too much so the corn turned too hard. We are still giving it the benefit of the doubt and will most probably try it again, this time on the spot, the next time we visit. 

Polaroid which turned out really nice 

We finally opened the macaroons, but still we only managed to eat the heart-shaped one because we were too full. 

I'm not usually a scenery kind of person during a trip, preferring shopping, food and entertainment as activities. But this trip opened my eyes, albeit just a little, and it was such an adventure, getting there by ourselves and all. The feeling when you finally reach the destination and you see that something beautiful was simply awaiting you; indescribable. Everything will be worth the trouble getting there.

I think I'll be up for more such kind of adventures now. 

And thank you, for doing this with me.