Sunday, October 25

Happy Father's Day


Father's Day dinner with my family @ Todai. 

We took a lot more than this but I think Sissy and I got tired of taking pictures. Lol. 
Basically we just took seconds and thirds and fourths of more crabs and more salmon sashimi. 

Pretty things are not meant to be eaten. 
This rainbow cake was pretty meh. 

Went outside for photo-taking sesh as requested by the 母亲大人. 

The old lovebirds still looking as fabulous.

Who knew this would soon turn into our telepathic pose now?

I was a little taken aback by his sudden affection. Please pardon me and my awkwardness. 

Ahem paiseh I was trying to take ootd shots again. But my fabulous photographer left to go drink with her friends (hor sis?) and so I had to self-time b/c I can't trust my parents' photo-taking skills. Lol. 

So once again, here's a very belated HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DADDY!

Thank you Daddy, for showing me how a man is supposed to be like. For being there all the times you knew I was falling apart despite not knowing what to say. For pretending to want to be in my room for the a/c when I know what you actually wanted was to ask about my day. 

Thank you Daddy, for remembering the little things that I blurt out in conversations, for remembering material things that I said I wanted. For being proud of me even when I didn't think I was anything much. For always seeing me as your best gift (together with Sissy), and for all times you held my hand, let me sit in the front of the car, and for your kisses on my cheek. 

Thank you, for being my first love. 

I love you Daddy, always.