Saturday, October 10

SIM Combined Dance Concert

06.03.2015 - CDC

When I took this up, I just finished studies and was on a break so I thought it was gonna be fun and all, but then towards the last month, I found a job as a financial planner and I had to manage my time well among classes, CMFAS exams, practices and bump-in I was so exhausted. Thankfully our item had a simple outfit put together and I didn't need to sew overnight for costumes. 

I think I had a problem smiling that day. I got no idea why my expression remained the same. 

Cus A claims my camera is damn nice to camwhore with.

Maybe I was just trying to get into the "swag" mood before the show. 

Not I weird hor, the camera man sucked. 

See? Not only I look short, my whole family looks short. 

I have weird people as family. 

Thank you SV for coming down to support. 

This girl here, S, whom I first knew as the girl who asked me to group with her for project, turned out to be such an amazing dancer. I can't believe I was sitting opposite her for months working on projects, with everything being so normal, yet when I watched her on stage, it's like…"WOAH!" 
Jiayou and continue to do what you love girl. You're amazing on stage. 

Sorry guys, forget to send you 2 the photos :x

Chilling with SV peeps after CDC @ Breko at Holland V. 

Kelv joined us after cus he couldn't make it for the show. 
Tsk this person ah, eh support you how many times liao ah. When your turn? :<

Went to K in the end and we took pictures as proof that he got the heart but really cmi. 


It'd been awhile since I'd performed on stage. Really missed the feeling of having everyone pushing together as one and cheering one another on during practices, vettings and bump-ins. Although this might be the last time I'll ever be doing this, I'm really glad I took it up and never gave up till the end. Don't know when will I ever be able to commit my time to a performance / production with DWZ again, but I'm glad I chose to make DWZ a large part of my journey in SIM. Even if I start to become a phantom alumnus, just know that I'll be a proud one as I continue to watch DWZ grow :) 


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