Monday, October 5

CNY' 15 ; Day 9 Day 10 Day 11

During CNY Day 5-8 I was busy preparing for my CMFAS exams so Imma skip all the way to Day 9.
And yes, I'm a proud one-time passer :D

27.02.2015 - Day 9

Visiting Daddy's childhood neighbor. Used to take piano lesson with her when we were young. 
Now she's like boom pow, super pretty and shit while I'm still….me. Hahahaha.

Still waiting for the day for puberty to start making me attractive -.-

28.02.2015 - Day 10

I'd been waiting for this day for too damn long….
Milo Gong gathering!!!

Sadly, we were still unable to get a full attendance b/c some mofo's house visiting clashed with mine as well. Tsk. 

Raith, you damn power, forever camera ready. 

Altho I have always wished I started my dance journey earlier, I'm still really glad I dabbled with pool and got to meet these guys I now call bros. Without them, I really have no idea how to get through these past 4 years of shit life has thrown at me. I know because of the way we all came together and somehow lumped together as one, not all of us are good with every single one of the rest. But one thing is for sure, every single one of you is of significance, albeit different, to me, and you are all important ok. Remember that. 

Really missed this bunch of faggots. 
Full force gathering soon please. 

01.03.2015 - Day 11

Actually, it was the same day, just that SV hanged till past midnight. 

Photo with Baby Heather ^^

Babies are like the cutest things in the world (apart from dogs), so innocent….pure. Sometimes I feel sad whenever I think about how soon they are going to grow up and face life, together with the ugliness of the society, and I wonder if they'll ever become as cynical or jaded as I am. It's really rare to see genuine laughter / smiles, those that light up the eyes, nowadays. If you ever meet a person who shows you that, cherish that person. Don't be the reason why they no longer smile the same anymore. 


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