Friday, February 12

Conquering USS


Had salted egg "gong bao ji ding" at Sim Lim. 
This stall is apparently famous for this. 


Thursday classes with Ryezal came to an end :/
It was one heck of a course and I would definitely miss getting my body killed in class every week. 
Just take a look at all of our hair and you could have guessed how much we get pushed every class. 


Cheese and Ham stuffed Chicken. 

p.s. It's from Breko Cafe located at Holland Village if you're interested. 


Out to MBS

And I got a work bag from Kenzo yay!!!
Mad chio! So much love for this bag :DDD


Made plans to head down to USS with SV and because 1 of them couldn't make it, invited Sissy along too :)

Only started taking pictures from lunch break. Finally managed to take both Cylon and Human roller coasters wooooooo!

My first time having this huge pizza.

And the freaking adorable Elmo cupcake that looks better than it tastes. Lol. 

Me going full out creepy with my Elmo cupcake...

Pardon the dark lighting, I can't be bothered to edit my photos before posting them, as usual. 

My sister going full out creepy on me. 

Minion me.

And minion her. 

Went to the fave spot for photos sesh after conquering all the thrill rides in USS. 

Sibei Stepz. 

This is a little bomb of heaven. 

And because it is called a "lava" cake, I took a video expecting gooey chocolate to spill out like "boomz" but I guess it failed. 

Still a little bomb of heaven nonetheless. 

Went to Shin Kushiya again for dinz. 

Ugh I'm getting hungry. 

The thing about me and thrilling rides tho, is that I always get the jitters before the ride. I'd freak the shit out and keep telling people around me how scared I am, which then makes them scared too. I'll constantly think to myself "Why the hell am I doing this to myself" throughout the usual hour-long queue and my heart would be beating out of my chest once I got on the ride. When the safety harness is secured, the 1st thought that comes to my mind would be "I wanna get down".

But I suck it up anyway cus I'm stuck on the ride and when the whole thing is over, I'm really really really happy. I'm so proud that I got over my fears (time and again) and managed to get on one of the best rides of my life with every new coaster I got on. 

Maybe, that's what life is about: Riding out your fears to get onboard the most exciting journey coming your way. 


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