Friday, September 19

Pre-Production Days

The days leading up to production date was nothing short of hectic. Of course it didn't help that I had started school and projects had already started. Just by looking at the number of photos I have from the start of August till production, I could tell I was very occupied with just dance. 

I can't remember 'em dates anymore so I'mma just refer to them as "The day…."

The day I couldn't take my tiredness anymore and bought Frappes in school. Tiramisu still my favorite. 

The day I went and got help from my Auntie to sew costumes for production. Ended up learning a little bit and it was pretty fun. Ahma you looking at me now? 

The day I drank my first Tehbotol from my fellow Punggolian senior after practice. 

The day my mum shocked with me with the amount of fruits she stocked up for me. Because I can't snack while on diet, she got me all these. Yep, she's the best. 

The day we had our full run. Changed the makeup for production because….this apparently doesn't look like a tiger. But I kinda really liked the stripes above the eyes that looked like super long eyelashes. Hahahaha. 

The day Sher & I dumped our luggage in Chong's office because we were lazy like that. Ended being awed by her office. I honestly didn't know such part of SIM exists. 

The day I came home all shagged from dance prac and had dim sum, niang dou fu and Running Man to recharge. 

The day we had full dress rehearsal. This cutie pie is older than me but whenever we are together, I see her as younger and calls her name in a cutesy tone. 

The day a few DWZ girls gathered at Starbucks for our coffee fix in the midst of rehearsals and called ourselves the Starbucks Gang. A group chat was actually formed after that. 

The day I liked my eye makeup pre-rehearsal.

Which eventually became….

I'll probably post one on production a bit later, because project deadlines are here to kill. 
Meanwhile, you can just stare at that tiger face. 


Wednesday, September 10

Dogs and Kisses

2nd August 2014

After checking out from Klapsons in the morning, we took a long time to decide what to do. We decided to make our way back to my place to put down our stuff before further decisions on what to do/where to go, which seems to always be a problem in tiny Singapore. 

While walking around trying to make plans right after checking out, we actually walked all the way to Funan IT Mall and Chinatown Point. Couldn't take anymore walking and went for my favorite coffee place.  

You HAVE TO TRY DR. CAFE COFFEE at least once. And trust me, you'll convert. 

After nuaing back at home until noon, we decided to go cycling at ECP. It'd been eons since I'd been there, and eons since I've last cycled too. Ever since I've grown out of my bicycle, it'd been so hard to do any cycling because any place that has bicycles for rent is too far and out of the way, and I'm still deciding whether or not to get one, because it might just be left to rust in my storeroom. 

Cycled for a good 3 hours and I was completely exhausted. I know I sound noob here but I finally really comprehended the meaning of those numbers on the handlebar, and I went on 3-8, which killed me. 

JP was on google at my place and found this dog cafe that was located near ECP. Took us a good 2 hours to finally find our way there by…walking. I really honestly do like walking, like a lot. Well, as long as I'm prepared to sweat that is. Oh and it must be in the night. Lol. 

We're The Furballs (WTF)
6348 6330

Sorry I look completely…cui. #NoMakeupOnBecauseTheyWereAllRemovedByMySweatFromCyclingAndICantBeBotheredToPutItOnAgain

Beat that hashtag. 

They have this catching machine where you can put in $1 to play and catch treats for the doggies. The "giap giap" thing is quite steady though, unlike those in Prize Stage and the likes where it's flimsy as hell. 

The treats will definitely help you get closer to them. 


BuiBui, who lives up to his name. 

Whenever I hold the treats, he will come to me but refuses to listen to my commands. Instead, he will just lay his head on the floor and look at me with those sad, innocent eyes as if pleading for a treat. When he gets it though, he will simply get up and walk away. Speechless. 

Ok I just found out it's a "SHE". Sorry fatty, I stereotyped you too soon. 


They know basic commands like "sit" and "paw" and I was so touched I managed to get a few to obey my commands. Lol. p.s. the awkward fist in the picture is actually holding on to the treat. 

Teehee, my favorite of the lot: Duchess! 
Yes, I'm biased like that and this is one reason I can never be a teacher. 


(Imaginary) Duchess: Human, please stop kissing me, I'm only interested in those treats. 

Had such a great time there I was so reluctant to leave. I really look forward to the day I will be able to have a pet dog. For now, I guess I'll just have to keep visiting such places. 

Walked around and we didn't have much appetite as we had pizza at WTF. (Which caused quite a commotion when the dogs sneaked out through the doors that are meant to keep them out of the food area)

Found this place that only sells Chicken Wings and Drumlets, which is a pretty cool concept but I doubt it will bring in enough dough. 

You get to choose the between 3pcs, 6pcs, and maybe more but I can't remember. Then you can choose the sauce OR seasoning powder.

We both took 3 sauce and 3 powder, but I can't remember the exact flavor already.

It'll be great if they open till much later though. Seems like a nice place to chill with great finger food. 

It was a pretty eventful day for me, considering we didn't even had plans at the start of the day. I love it so much when impromptu plans turn out well and make the day a good one. 

Maybe I should stop planning and just let life play out on its own.