Wednesday, September 3

Random Dinner Dates


Yes, this date is from all the way back in July. I'm a frigging procrastinator, just like how I'm still procrastinating studying for 2 tests, coming up tomorrow & Friday. Shoot me. 

Randomly decided to give Genki Sushi a try since we were in Orchard Central. I believed I have dined at Genki before, but it certainly didn't felt like it, because I don't remember such good food at low prices and I certainly don't remember the electronic train thingy that serves our food. Did it change a lot?

 Disclaimer: All pictures are not edited. The only thing these pictures have gone through is the "food" mode on my camera. 

Everything is da shizz. Vowed to return there, have already been there 3 times since. Genki officially took over Sakae's spot in my heart. Hahahaha.


Random dinner date (again). JP came over to meet me after I ended school and we had no idea where to go from there, so we decided to just take a bus to upper thomson and see what we can find. I haven't tried Fat Boys before so we went for it. 

All I can say is, I've finally learned how to eat a burger "the proper way". Yes, I finally knew what the stick flag is for. 


Upper Thomson. Again.
Randomly searching for a new place for dinner, but nothing appealed to us then, so we went to Wafflelicious again. Lol. 

Drinks that eventually got spilt. That was probably the 4th time I spilt JP's drink. It just always happen ONLY with him. Like my drink will be perfectly fine, and it's always his drink I topple over. And let me make this clear, I have never ever toppled drinks, be it mine or others', before I knew JP. It's really a very funny thing because it happens to be his pet peeve and he always get mildly pissed when it happens. And even until now, the only person's drink I have ever toppled over, is his. 

Savoury waffles as main course. 

Ice cream for dessert. 
Poorly taken with my phone, but hey it's pretty decent right. 

I have so many things I wanna update this space with, but I really gotta go back to staring at graphs I don't understand and give a shit about but I have to because I need to pass. 

Till the next,

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