Tuesday, September 9


1st August 2014

Checked in:
 Klapsons Boutique Hotel

This was the biggest suite (at the corners) and it was the craziest, prettiest, largest room I've ever stayed in.

Lousy photography skills of mine can't capture the glory of the extremely spacious wardrobe that we eventually didn't use. Lol. 

Klapsons is a couple-themed kinda hotel so their bathrooms are all designed with an open concept. You can always request for shower curtains from the receptionist though. 

All ours. 

Toiletries from Chopard. You kidding me?!

I actually did a video of a "room tour" but it wouldn't load :(
Dear Blogger, please do something about the video uploading?

Chucked our stuff all over the place and rested for a bit before heading out for lunch. We managed to find this cafe-ish place nearby and it surpassed our expectations. 

Sevenlicious Bistro & Cafe

Amateur Guy 
 Amateur Girl

Was still bent on eating semi-clean because I've already had a few treats. The wrap was surprisingly really good. That black goopy thing was supposed to be curry, but I guess the filter was a little too…dark. 

Anw the prices were pretty reasonable too and I will totally have this again if I'm around the area. 

Went back to the hotel to lam nua until it was time for dinner. We had such a hard time finding a place for dinner because we wanted to try something new but most of the restaurants around the area that are still open only had the 2 extremes: V Expensive, or V Lupsup. Either that or they're mostly for drinking. 

We finally googled until we found a place that sounds awesome, except that we couldn't find it and it took us almost an hour until we finally stepped through its doors. 

The Flying Squirrel

Because we had no reservations and the place was full, we had to take the counter seats, but it was pretty cool because we got to see the sushi chef and bartender at work. We were so fascinated our conversation topics revolved around the precision and years of working experience and level of skill the sushi chef has to have in order to cut such fine slices of sashimi at such crazy fast speed. 
Please. Don't. Judge. 

It is as fresh as it looks. I can't believe I caught its freshness on camera. 

Something fish. I can't really remember the name of the dish but it's THE SHIZZ. The fish melts in your mouth with the exploding taste of the sauce and whatever else it was cooked with. 

I don't know whether it's grilled or flamed but it's PERFECT. 

After our dinner we took a slow stroll back to the hotel and went for a little grocery shopping on the way. 

Bought drinks & snacks for more lam nua-ing. 

Relaxation at its best. I'm gonna work so hard so I can have one in my future home. (Or a bigger bathtub will do just fine)

The night I developed my love for Peppero: Hami Melon Flavour and Pockky: Choco Banana Flavour.

Rated: Best hotel in Sg I've ever stayed in so far.

All I can say is, thank you.



  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Hi, how much did the suite cost you?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
