Friday, November 28

October Ends with Exams


My popo's birthday celebration! Just a really simple one - went for lunch and then back to her house for cake-cutting. 

Pretty rare for all "children" to be gathered nowadays. 

Sucha a qtpie. See how happy she is to look at herself from my selfie-cam. 

Sissy still tryna photo bomb. 

Now 2 wild heads appear. 

In the corner…..adults prepping for mj again. I think I'll be part of that table when it's the "children"s turn to be adults. 

Twin face. Sissy is a photocopy of my dad. 

She kept looking at the flipped up screen of my camera. Too cute please. 
"When you grow old, you go back to being a child"


Cooked lunch because I randomly had the feels for cooking. 


And the feels persisted. Cooked dinner for Daddy, JP and myself. 

The tomato scrambled egg was a fail tho. Tasted ok but….still far from what I had in mind. 

Since this picture doesn't show his face, Imma show you how the boy sleeps...

Yes, we always fight for the blanket whenever we sleep over. 

JP having fun with the figurine sissy got for him - Alcoholic Iron Man. 


1 paper down on 23rd, 3 more to go. JP came over and taught me how to cook dope dry noodles. Lol.

Looks meh but tastes awesome. 


Taking a break for mugging for family dinz because Mumsy's Uncle and Auntie were in town. (They're from Penang, I think)

Daddy saw me camwhoring and asked to camwhore with me. Wahahahaha. I have the coolest dad. 

 Dinner at some supposedly atas restaurant at Mandarin Gallery. Food was so meh I can't be bothered to even go google the name of it now. 

 Pardon the pictures of lower resolution because I was too lazy to take out my camera.

Had to use the toilet halfway and this…is life. 

Am so happy to see toilet-bidet seats nowadays. Yes, I am a converter. 

Back to food.

(Hahahaha I just realized I'm blogging about the toilet halfway through the blogging of food)

The food looks good but it's really not all that fantastic. I would much rather spend that amount of money on Starz Restaurant. 


How my textbook looked like for the open-book exam. Living up to the name of a "Kiasu" Singaporean. 

Had to take a break to head out for dinner because I had been cooped up for too long. 

How do girls do this? Act sexy and all? I look like a 台妹 la pls. 

Awkz ending because after this I mugged all the way until the other 3 papers ended. Or rather, I tried to mug. Fell asleep countless times and went to the exams feeling unprepared. 

On a sidenote, November has been such an awesome month I can't wait to blog about it. 
Till the next,