Monday, November 3



Wasted almost half the day nua-ing and we didn't want to waste the public holiday (on a weekday some more so it's a long weekend for JP) so we made the impromptu decision to go to Ikea to see if there's anything we can get for my upcoming party.

It's really a pity that he doesn't take beef, b/c we can't order the bigger portion and I can only have 5 :( On a side note, the mashed potato with broccoli bits took our attention away from the salmon itself. Lol. 

Spent a lot of time fooling around instead of doing the actual shopping. One thing I like to do at Ikea is to visit the showrooms and see what concept I can incorporate into my future home. Teehee. 

And the other thing I like to do in Ikea?

My new cap from the short shopping trip the other day, and breaking in mah new shoes! 

And then I started being a little too high. Literally and figuratively. 

After the self-proclaimed photoshoot, we checked out our items and made a horrible decision.
Go to Ehub and watch Annabelle. 

I needed more than 1 person to accompany me for that and called my sis along. 
We arrived a little too late for the 9pm showtime and had to wait for the one around 11plus so we became, ahem, "explorers". 

My Über cute Gachapon!!!! It's meant to be a phone jack but I'm displaying it on my shelf. Teehee. Thank you JP for always buying one for me whenever we come across a One Piece gachapon. 

Opening a gachapon is a really serious thing. There's only one character that I wished I won't get so it's actually not that nerve-wrecking, but imagine if you only wanted 1 character out of like 5…damn I'd be praying hard while opening it. Lol. 

And that, we were tired so we took a rest at the massage area where the massage chairs were, and JP slot $2 into my machine so I got a free massage while waiting for the movie!! Hahaha, yes I know he's so extremely sweet, and he's mine :)

Annabelle, however, was a terror. It was scary when watching it, but after it ends, I became more pissed than afraid. Because I know the story is not the real one, I was so pissed I just watch a horror story that unfolded because of one stupid teenager who ran away from home and joined a cult. Like, if she didn't, none of it would have happened in the first place. Damn dumb. 

I am still afraid of dolls tho. So if you ever give me a doll (esp a creepy one), I will put it next to you when you sleep, and use its hands to stab you. So, don't do it. Hahahaha. 

I had a lot of fun though. 


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