Tuesday, December 15

RenixTravels | Taipei Day 7


And...singing K overnight led to this sight at 6am when leaving Party World. 
Yes the sky is this bright at 6am in Taipei. 

Caught some sleep and woke up few hours later to prepare to head to the zoo. 

They have females-only cabin too!!!

[WARNING!] There are more than 100 pictures of Animals below. 

Koalas are soooo cute!

There were about 6/7 Koalas and they all have their own names. There's a description about their personality right outside their enclosures and it's such a pity because when we were there, most of them were sleeping and we didn't get to see much. 

Please don't ask me why I wore my AJs to the zoo. I was too anxious to wear them out -.-

Looking horrible cus I was literally hot and sweaty. The weather was crazy humid on that day. 

There were still a few more animals but I was too tired to continue and it was starting to get late.
Decided to take the Maokong Gondola from Taipei Zoo Station. 

Face getting greasy :/

We went all the way to the last station and it was way higher than I thought. It's high enough for me, whom do not have fear of heights, to actually start to panic because it was so high and the cable car isn't exactly a very stable transport to be in at that height. 

Give up on the sun and wear shades instead. 

Ice cream that started melting within seconds. 
And I received 2 mozzie bites while taking this photo. 

Caught 2 men building the structure of a stall. 

Dying from the heat...

Super appreciative of this flower shaped cone cus it caught all the melted goo and kept my hands sticky-free. 

I was too tired to explore the whole area after spending the entire day running around the zoo. 
Went back down the gondola via a glass-bottom cable car. 

Love my shoes :D

Lol wtfbbq my makeup completely melted and my hair was in an utter mess... just ignore my face and look at the scenery thank you. 

Caught the sunset on the way down. 

Only posting this cus I'm so proud of myself for taking a tumblr-worthy picture. 

Sunsets are my favourite. 

Went back to XiMenDing (AGAIN!) and did a bit of shopping (AGAIN!) as usual. 

But, this was my first time seeing this. It was really late (as you can see all the shops were closed), and all the "illegal" stalls came out selling miscellaneous stuff ; some sold toys, some sold t-shirts, and there were a few more. Couldn't believe I stayed in XiMenDing the last time and I'd never seen this sight at all. It was pretty interesting and the prices were really low. 


That's pretty much it for Day 7. 

Can't believe a week just flew past and it was time to face reality way too soon. 
But I know I will be back soon enough. 

Till the next,

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