Thursday, November 17


Yes these are some really overdued pictures that have already been up on FB. Been gaining weight really fast due to overeating of junk food, and unhealthy eating timings such as 3am?!?!?! Gotta start a healthy diet & cut back those hateful kilos already!!!

Apart from that depressing fact, the rest have been pretty much good. Just went for an interview last week to get into this entrepreneurship option for Year 3 & the results came in today, well I got in! :D It's been sort of like my dream to get into this option because it was the only thing that enticed me to get into SP. Gonna start to mug hard because we poor SP students are left with 3 weeks to MST, throw in overflowing projects into the mix, plus I gotta find time to train for pool as well. Ohs not to forget going for CMCC AP practices, & it's really hard to get into my role after a tiring day.
Yeahs so pardon me for MIA-ing ok?

Will be back sometime again soon, in the meanwhile, you can go check out my selling page where I updated some more stuff & slashed some prices :)

bye cupcakes! ^^

Wednesday, November 9

Th brightest star

I'm sorry for leaving this space hanging for quite awhile. Been pretty busy with everything now, school, CMCC AP, Pool, and having abit more fun tha usual :D

But tonight that sense of nostalgia hits me hard again. 10 more days to my birthday...a year ago, we discovered you were sick. I disliked going to the hospital to see you, I disliked rubbing ointment on your wounds, I disliked every single thing that keeps reminding us about the painful truth. A year ago, you insisted on waking up despite feeling weary, and put on your best clothes just to take pictures with us for my 17th. A year ago, you gave the brightest smile I had ever seen just to give me the best memory. A year ago, I hugged you tight and prayed so hard that I never had to let go. A year ago, I wished my life could start all over again just so I can cherish you more.

This one year had been so hard, filled with so much craziness, so many falls I had to pick myself up from. But I continue to brave through every single obstacle, because I kept faith that you will always be watching over me, protecting me, loving me. I believed you would lead me to greater heights, help me find my way through this screwed up maze of life.

But do you know, despite feeling you are there beside me all the time, I still miss you. I miss you so much sometimes I don't know whether to feel happy or sad. I really wanna hug you again, so goddamn much. This ache in me is something nobody can heal, but I really hope one day, we'll be back to where we had began again, that I can hear the same annoying nagging again, that I can call you........

Can you see me now? Can you hear me when I speak to you? 10 more days, I really wished I could see you, somewhere, again.

I love you, Grandma. Always and forever will.

Tuesday, October 25

Family retail therapy

Backtracked. 16th Oct.

A day out with the family :) Mass shopping spree at H&M which made us $300+ poorer, but with brighter smiles. Marche@313 for late dinner & we were starving after all that walking & speed changing.

 Seabass :)

 Creamy pasta

 Some spanish fried rice, my top pick of all 4 main dishes! ^^

Rosti! My first time trying it and it was okay to me only leh. Lol.

 Personalized crepe! :D

Monday marks a whole new semester at school and was all over the place catching up with as many darlings as possible. First time heading over to YCK GRC for pool. Tuesday, went down to Punggol Billiard after school with Junhao. After an hour, went to sit in when he's giving tuition so I kind of know how it works. Feel asleep afterall, Punggol Billiard again at night. Wednesday was catching "The Thing" at Plaza Sing, and it sucked.

So that was about it, how my previous weekend & first 3 days of school went. Have been playing pool almost everyday & busying myself with all sorts of rubbish which explains my absence here. Will make it a point to keep it as freshly updated as possible alrights?

Tuesday, October 18

Everyday, it gets better

FRIDAY!!! Sleep until shiok, before heading out to meet Jerry. His last day of attachment so the plan was to stay out for th night. Lol. Poor boy had only the weekends as holidays uh! :b

Met at Grand Cathay, got tickets at like 12.30am and we had 3 hours to while away. Walked over to opposite Parklane for the well known chicken rice, then next door for the also very much well known beancurd. Slacked for awhile before deciding to play pool at K Pockets, and I almost died in there. The shaft fucking rough, table sticky, table dirty, in all I felt dirty in that place. Hahas, kept whining about wanting to take a bath when we finally left. & yes I did spam the soap in the ladies IMMEDIATELY after that.

Went back Cathay for movie...
 Ohs, & I finally wore the dress that arrived from Hollyhoque weeks ago. Love it!^^ Really like salmon pink, & look how nice the colour always turns out in pictures! :) I think I have a thing going on for pleated dresses these days.
 Real Steel! It was oh-so-fucking good. Seriously. Awesome max. Like alot of reviews going around, it's definitely a show worth watching. It's really unlike other mindless "boy" movies, with robots and stuff. It has a really touching storyline and Hugh Jackman as well as the little boy who acted Max are really talented actors they brought out their roles really well! I'm not embarrassed to admit I teared thrice in the theatre. Lol! :D

ATOM!!!!!!!! He's damn cool!
 Heard that they did use real robots for the show. And this is life-size right in front of us yo!

The coolest robot ever, tho not the best-looking one. Hehs.

After the movie walked over to Cheers to get $6.90 slippers cus I very stupidly wore heels because I wanted height but my boot wedges don't go with pink well :/ The price of vanity, tsk. Walked from Dhoby to Kallang!!! Yes we were that free, and all that walking sure helped burn lots of calories!^^
Walked past many pretty sights that's a first for me, especially in the moonlight. :)

 Mrt-ed home in the morning with a half-dead zombie cus he had been up for more than 24 hours already. Lol. We are such nocturnal animals eh?

Saturday, sleep until shiok also. Headed over to Cous' house for gathering, slack & had a girls' table talk :) Gossiping about TV dramas can really bond a family. Daddy came to send us back home, decided to use the free time to start decluttering my warrobe so I have space for more coming in! :)
My sister came in to shop & she took 3, my mum took 2, and the rest is a mess. So you guys can expect a big clearance on my selling blog soon!^^ Sissy stayed to help me pack, dumped the rest into a huge suitcase until I find the time to start taking pictures, & caught a movie together on Funshion! :D
Here's 2 pictures on part of the mess :/ tsk.

Days packed with doing stuff that makes me happy, it's different from being plain busy & stressing yourself up. It's different from what some people are seeing, I do have time, I just choose to do something else with it.

& I can foresee things are only going to get better! :)

Saturday, October 15

Simple pleasures ^^

Wednesday dragged myself out of bed only after 4 hours of sleep to get to work. Got caught in the pouring rain, freezed, & almost exhaust my lungs due to boredom. Harold came over early in the afternoon to train, & to entertain me :b hahas. Yes, if he wasnt there, I swear I probably would have been sleeping when Andrew came in. Hahas.

Handover shift to Michael at 8pm, trained pool with Harold all the way until closing, which is 1am if you don't already know. Yeah 5 hours straight, no breaks, yet I don't feel the least bit weary. Amazing. Nabil didn't turn up for work & Michael was left to do closing alone, so being super good employees, Harold & I helped him out when he offered to treat us supper :) Hahas!

Cove coffeeshop for supper with Harold, Michael & Joshua, slack awhile, home-d. Felt so damn accomplished that day^^

Thursday woke up in the afternoon only to find out bowling plans cancelled. Too tired to head over to school so fell back asleep & woke up in the evening. Meet Jerry at Cityhall for dinner, & we ended up at Bugis for it :/ Ate at some Jap restaurant at the 1st floor of Bugis Junction, right opposite Mango. Well, the food was better than what I had expected, but not much to rave about I guess.

And, right after that, we decided to go to The Swedish Cafe at Arab street, or is it more of Haji Lane? It's at the end of one of the streets there anyway, & they serve really good cakes. :) A really nice place to chill as well. & their cakes are awesome! 

 Mango Cheesecake! <3
This one is really lightweight, taste really different from the usual thick, creamy cheesecake. Gotta love the sweet, tangy taste & soft texture that melts in your mouth :)

 Oreo Cheesecake! Taste like the usual, 'cept it has a richer flavour. Damn nice if you love cheese like meeee! :)

 Strawberry Cream Tea. Nice to smell, nice to see. But ordering tea to go with rich flavoured cakes is a smart choice! It sort of cleanses your palette and gets rid of any bloated feeling you may have!^^

Total bill! :)
Oh yeah I took a picture of the decor but I forgot to upload them! Oops! But it's a really nice place to chill, catch up with friends, have a nice tea, or lunch/dinner cus they do serve main courses as well! :)

Simple pleasures in life like working on your passion & simple good food makes me happy too! This week had been such a whirl, with really crazy, high stuff, as well as the low maintenance ones, yet both kind of made me feel like I've been given a brand new lease of life. Somehow, without me knowing, the pain isn't here anymore. Love you guys so so so much, I feel so lucky to have known all of you! <3

Friday, October 14

Eat, Drink, Sing, Play, & Laugh!

Alrights! As promised, my fucking fantabulous Tuesday! I was damn high that day blabbering nonsense in my smses & stuff to people. HAHAS.

First event of the day was CMCC's Dinner & Dance '11 at Oleary Grill Restaurant & Bar @ Singapore Flyer. Daddy fetched me to Singapore Flyer cus I was running late. Waited for Pris'laopo to arrive & went in! After we register, the photographer will take pictures of us & our partner before we enter, & in polaroids!!! I was so stoked at how the pictures came out & kept telling Pris how cute they are & how I wish I had a polaroid camera :/ Anyway, it started off with socialising & everyone's taking pictures, then performance by our very own CMCC members & alumnis, buffet dinner while watching before the whole thing ended :)

with JYN!

 No, that's not a performance, they were playing games. They dragged all the couples up, & there was one who wasn't an item, but got sabo-ed. I was telling Pris I felt lucky for not bringing a guy as my partner, lol. Anyway, the couple I sabo-ed, Fengshui & his girlf, won! 3rd couple pic above! Everyone was fighting with their cameras to get really close shot of the couples, hahas.

 Wenting! She became so damn skinny I couldn't recognize her the 1st time I saw her!

 CMCC President`11 Jodie!


 What I wore that day! This was the dress I got from Editor's Market Hall that Friday I went shopping with Pris, Rach & Jerry. Yeah, my current favourite right now!^^ Super love every single detail; from the petals on the shoulders & mesh overlay to the vertical pleats & cutting. I can't stop raving how DOPE this dress is! Mad love! <3

 The theme was similar dressing with your partner!

 Huipeng! If you noticed, she wore the same dress with Wenting except in a different colour!^^
Hahas, did you just scrolled up to check?

 Issac Bro!^^

 The fish was awesome! Had a 2nd helping of fish ONLY after this. Lol.

 The cute polaroids I can't stop staring at!


 Issac styling hair for Zhixiang cus he just arrived in S'pore & didn't have time to style his hair. Lol.

 Seowhung Mummy! :D

 Jiexiang & Zhixiang! Hahas. Yep that's Zhixiang's hair freshly styled by Issac!

The couple I sabo-ed, Fengshui & his girlf! Hehes.

I've uploaded all pictures on FB, there were alot more, but Blogger is being a bitch again. If you noticed, the pictures above aren't exactly in the order they were supposed to be! So yeahs, all can be found nicely in FB!^^

After that met up with Jerry for awhile, sent Pris to Mrt, slacked, sent Jerry to Mrt, walked over to Cine. Harold & Minghan finally arrived & finally, my KBox session is here! I was having so much fun I totally forgot to take pictures. Like seriously!

At first we chose our own songs, & i chose a few to warm up my vocals. Then halfway through, I realise the songs we 3 chose were really emo-ish, & I was like "Wah I today so high why we keep singing emo songs?" Then Harold chose some high English songs, I chose high Chinese songs, & suddenly we both started choosing clubbing songs!!!! Hahas. I swear we turned the whole room into a mock club, dancing & jumping on the sofa, singing our lungs out. Lol.

It was a fucking awesome night! Woohoo! :D And I'm so proud of myself because I managed to hit the highest notes of Katy Perry's Fireworks without using fake voice (direct translate uh!). & I can't stop mentioning that after our K session ended. Hahas.

Yep, so that was my Tuesday, & I had so much fun I got people telling me I sound really happy that day. Ohs & I received quite a few compliments which really really made my day! :DDD Thank you guys for making that Tuesday so damn memorable! Love you all! <3