Saturday, October 15

Simple pleasures ^^

Wednesday dragged myself out of bed only after 4 hours of sleep to get to work. Got caught in the pouring rain, freezed, & almost exhaust my lungs due to boredom. Harold came over early in the afternoon to train, & to entertain me :b hahas. Yes, if he wasnt there, I swear I probably would have been sleeping when Andrew came in. Hahas.

Handover shift to Michael at 8pm, trained pool with Harold all the way until closing, which is 1am if you don't already know. Yeah 5 hours straight, no breaks, yet I don't feel the least bit weary. Amazing. Nabil didn't turn up for work & Michael was left to do closing alone, so being super good employees, Harold & I helped him out when he offered to treat us supper :) Hahas!

Cove coffeeshop for supper with Harold, Michael & Joshua, slack awhile, home-d. Felt so damn accomplished that day^^

Thursday woke up in the afternoon only to find out bowling plans cancelled. Too tired to head over to school so fell back asleep & woke up in the evening. Meet Jerry at Cityhall for dinner, & we ended up at Bugis for it :/ Ate at some Jap restaurant at the 1st floor of Bugis Junction, right opposite Mango. Well, the food was better than what I had expected, but not much to rave about I guess.

And, right after that, we decided to go to The Swedish Cafe at Arab street, or is it more of Haji Lane? It's at the end of one of the streets there anyway, & they serve really good cakes. :) A really nice place to chill as well. & their cakes are awesome! 

 Mango Cheesecake! <3
This one is really lightweight, taste really different from the usual thick, creamy cheesecake. Gotta love the sweet, tangy taste & soft texture that melts in your mouth :)

 Oreo Cheesecake! Taste like the usual, 'cept it has a richer flavour. Damn nice if you love cheese like meeee! :)

 Strawberry Cream Tea. Nice to smell, nice to see. But ordering tea to go with rich flavoured cakes is a smart choice! It sort of cleanses your palette and gets rid of any bloated feeling you may have!^^

Total bill! :)
Oh yeah I took a picture of the decor but I forgot to upload them! Oops! But it's a really nice place to chill, catch up with friends, have a nice tea, or lunch/dinner cus they do serve main courses as well! :)

Simple pleasures in life like working on your passion & simple good food makes me happy too! This week had been such a whirl, with really crazy, high stuff, as well as the low maintenance ones, yet both kind of made me feel like I've been given a brand new lease of life. Somehow, without me knowing, the pain isn't here anymore. Love you guys so so so much, I feel so lucky to have known all of you! <3

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