Friday, December 27

JB Getaway


Went on a mini getaway to JB with JP, W and DW. 
Since JP's dad got a house in JB, we had "free" lodging. Woohoo! 
I was so amazed by the high thread count sheets that didn't even get stained by wet hands. 
*insert your favorite emoji here*

Day 1

 We settled in pretty late at night and only had time for supper.
Had curry wild boar and some other seafood dishes which tasted pretty awesome but everything was super spicy so...everyone had to make the runs. 

Day 2

JP's dad brought us out for breakfast and the dim sum was pretty good for the price. I don't know where it is though, all the hawker centers look the same to me.

Shopped at Bukit Indah Shopping Centre (if I didn't remember wrongly). Didn't really buy much stuff. I got no idea why but  I haven't been apparels shopping much lately. I used to be crazy paying for clothes almost TWICE every week shopping online, and then to shopping at least once a week, to now, where I shop once every few weeks, and I don't even bring back hauls from every shopping trip.

We were walking around randomly at this cluster of food places near the shopping centre and decided to settle for lunch at the Korean restaurant nearest to us.
Hurray to free WiFi and we were pretty lucky for it was an authentic Korean restaurant. 

My virgin Korean cuisine. 

Baby & I ordered deokkboki to share and we were warned by W & DW that it's food of acquired taste.
Simply put, you would either love it or hate it. 
Can't wait to be able to go Korea and try different deokkboki! Lol. 

Bibibap which was good. 

 Went to sing k at KMonster which was only $8 (SGD) per person for 3 hours. 
And then dinner at some place which I forgot. Oh wait, I think we dapao-ed dinner back to the house. 
Was it chicken rice? Lol. I was too engrossed in Kidnappers which was showing on TV so I didn't really pay attention to dinner. 

After dinner it was time for NERF war!

Bought the cheapest NERF guns to play back at the apartment and we had fun making up our own game with stupid rules like drinking if you get shot. -.-

Attempted to watch BOTY but it was too boring at the start and we decided it sucked at prolly 1/4 in so we stopped.

Day 3

Only had a little time left so we went to a nearby shopping centre to shop. Forgot the mall's name though. Had brunch at Sakae Sushi cus it was the only restaurant we could agree on. They had this dope salmon thingy which I finished damn fast & it isn't available in Sg. :/

Anyway that was it. I wouldn't say it was a great getaway, but hey at least it was a breather.


Slippers from Flippers. 
P.S. The boy likes to "copy" me in buying my favorite colors saying it looks nice which in fact is just him trying to mask his attempt in making the things we buy seem like a "couple thing" :x

 Masks from Sasa (4 for RM10), Old Skool Tees for F.O.S (4 for RM 50 ), Home decor photos from some random shop we walked into, Rebel 8 Tee from Crossover (RM 80+?), Nerf gun from some shop that looks like Toys'R Us, Chopper soft toy as a gift from baby. 

We should get more people to go on group trips like these. Take away the shopping, and throw in theme parks. Lol.

Shopping are meant for dates, groups of girls, or alone retail therapy. Shopping is not meant for a group of people on holiday cus everybody will just see their own stuff anyway. I learn that the hard way after TWO trips. We shall see on the third. 


Thursday, December 12

Daddy's Birthday

My life seems to get more happening towards the end of the year in 2013. Or is it because I'm less lazy to update this space? But anyway, here's another backtracked post. 


Decided to go over to Crystal Jade at Changi Airport T3 for Daddy's birthday dinner. pictures first. 

All the dishes were pretty good.
It was our turn to treat the man to a good dinner. 

Walked around the airport after the meal. They had some christmas exhibits that is spongebob themed. Too cute! @.@ 

If you realized, we celebrate one another's birthday with just a simple dinner and perhaps a movie sometimes, but that's all. But it is simple times like these where we get together as a family that made us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And despite busy schedules and all, we will always make time on one another's actual birthday to have this meal together. 

Thank you Daddy for being such a wonderful man behind this family. There are too many things I am grateful for towards you, and too many things I feel apologetic towards. But I know you will always love me for who I am, just like how I will always love you. Teehee.

You spoil me rotten, but I'll have you know, one day I'll make you proud and spoil you rotten back. :D

Happy Birthday Daddy.


Wednesday, December 11


I was never one to remember my dreams, nightmares even. I would wake up remembering it, but then the memory will fade within 1 second, or the moment I realize it was a dream. On rare occasions, I would remember it long enough to tell someone, and then I would forget all about it. This is even so for recurring dreams. This kinds of bothers me because I've had some really interesting dreams that I would really like to remember so it kinda suck to not be able to find out what they mean.

So I took a nap earlier on and had a crazy dream again and I decided to google immediately to see if I can find out what it means. 


I was in another country, but I don't know which country I was in. It seemed to be made up in my mind when I woke up, but it was damn real. 

I kind of forgot the details already (I told you so), but it was briefly along the lines of human trafficking. I was escaping and running away from several men, pretty good looking ones if I didn't remember wrongly. I couldn't remember if I saw them killing other people, but I briefly remember one part where I saw blood splattered across the men chasing me. I was chased a lot and it felt like they wanted to kill me.

I got caught. One wanted to drag me to this place where I thought it's where I'm supposed to be sold. But another one stopped him, I think. 

Somewhere somehow I remember entering lifts. I can't remember what kind of lifts they are anymore, but by then I was out of danger. I became friends with one of my attackers and even got attracted to him. The rest gradually became my friends too and I remember talking to a few of them quite a lot, like heart to heart kinda talks. (I really hate that I forgot how we became friends. It could be useful!) They also told me they didn't plan on harming me in the first place. I asked if they had wanted to drag me to that scary looking butcher-looking stall to sell me off and they said no. It was a place to check for valuations, or something. I vaguely remember it was to check how much assets I have with me. So they might have just been planning to rob me.

Just before I woke up I was staring up at all the buildings. Some were made of glass panels and I can see that the open areas in the buildings were crowded with people, mostly looking like they were escaping. I remember seeing a few doors through the buildings looking like houses, particularly wooden doors like the ones of my block in reality. I thought to myself if they would have helped if I had run to those houses when I was escaping. 

I woke up. 


Being chased in your dream is one of several common dream theme stemming from feelings of anxiety in your waking life. In such dreams, you could be running from an attacker, an animal, a monster or some unknown figure who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. Flee and flight is an instinctive response to a physical threat in the environment. Thus it is natural to run or hide or try to outwit your pursuer.


Being chased signifies close-mindedness :
If someone is chasing you in your dream, then it may also refer to your close-mindedness. You are refusing to acknowledge a certain viewpoint or idea and don't even want to listen to any opinion that is different from yours.

Being chased signifies running away from yourself :
Another way to analyze your chase dream is how the pursuer or attacker may be an aspect of your own Self. Perhaps you are suppressing or rejecting certain feelings or certain characteristics of your Self. Anger, jealousy, fear, and even love can manifest as a threatening figure in your dream. And 
you could  be projecting these feelings onto the unknown chaser. 
(Weird thing here is the only things projected onto the chaser was fear and love o.0)

Being chased signifies fear :
Running from an attacker in your dream may simply represent your fear of being attacked. Such dreams are more common among women than men, who may feel physically vulnerable in their surroundings. All you have to do is turn on the news to hear stories of violence and sexual assault.
(Please don't tell me it is simply because of the recent riot)

To dream that you are afraid indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of incompetence in your waking life. You may be feeling a lack of control. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life.

To dream of love or being in love suggests intense feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It implies happiness and contentment with what you have and where you are in life. On the other hand, you may not be getting enough love in your daily life. We naturally long for the sense to belong and to be accepted.

To dream that you are in terror forewarns of disappointments and loss.
To see others in terror in your dream signifies that the unhappiness of friends will impact you as well.  


I think this is by far the most interesting dream and it's one where everything felt so real as if I'm a part of an action movie. It's the kind of dream that makes you want to hurry back to sleep to see if you can see how it ends. 

I should interpret my dreams more often. This is fun. 

Pesky Kid's 17th

If you don't already know, both my Sissy's & Daddy's birthdays fall in November too, and so right after mine, we had 2 more family birthday dinners in the same month :D


Went to Buffet Town for Sissy's 17th.

The food was honestly meh. The only thing I kept spamming was the fresh salmon sashimi. Other than that the food was just pretty average. There were a few different cuisines available, like Jap, Western, French, Chinese, etc but the variety for the cuisine itself is pretty limited. Like for Jap, there were only sashimi and sushi -.-

Therefore no food photos for this except for...

Actually I took this just because we get to put toppings and syrups by ourselves and this was my creation. The waffles was cold and tough and basically just...meh. 

On the other hand, we did have a great time laughing only silly stuff, bonding over discussions about how the food was not great, and just passing unwanted food around the table. Lol. 

Happy 17th Birthday my pretty lil' girl. 

She loves taking candid shots of me so she can threaten me with those unglam pictures in her hands. -.-

Converted the outside of Buffet Town into a temporary photo booth. :X

OOTD: Destroyed pullover, TSR. Shorts, Zara. Boots, H&M. Necklace, BKK. Bag, online. 

I always have had a love-hate relationship with this pesky kid and we fight a lot even until now. She can be soooo irritating at times and get so annoying till I get the urge to strangle her. Sometimes when we argue, I stare at her and can't believe she is the same sweet sister who writes me handwritten letters/notes when I'm going through hard times and make me cards on my birthday. 

3 years is a pretty huge age gap and it is pretty hard for us to be each other's confidante as we are always going through entirely different stages in life. Like right now, I've graduated from Poly while she is just starting. It doesn't help even more that we have completely different interests, passion and hobbies. 

But amazingly, we managed to still be there for each other despite not knowing what the hell is going on. I think it's the kind of thing only siblings have and I'm glad I have you to always stand up for me just like how I'll fight for you. 

I hate you sometimes, but I love you all the time.
