Wednesday, December 11

Pesky Kid's 17th

If you don't already know, both my Sissy's & Daddy's birthdays fall in November too, and so right after mine, we had 2 more family birthday dinners in the same month :D


Went to Buffet Town for Sissy's 17th.

The food was honestly meh. The only thing I kept spamming was the fresh salmon sashimi. Other than that the food was just pretty average. There were a few different cuisines available, like Jap, Western, French, Chinese, etc but the variety for the cuisine itself is pretty limited. Like for Jap, there were only sashimi and sushi -.-

Therefore no food photos for this except for...

Actually I took this just because we get to put toppings and syrups by ourselves and this was my creation. The waffles was cold and tough and basically just...meh. 

On the other hand, we did have a great time laughing only silly stuff, bonding over discussions about how the food was not great, and just passing unwanted food around the table. Lol. 

Happy 17th Birthday my pretty lil' girl. 

She loves taking candid shots of me so she can threaten me with those unglam pictures in her hands. -.-

Converted the outside of Buffet Town into a temporary photo booth. :X

OOTD: Destroyed pullover, TSR. Shorts, Zara. Boots, H&M. Necklace, BKK. Bag, online. 

I always have had a love-hate relationship with this pesky kid and we fight a lot even until now. She can be soooo irritating at times and get so annoying till I get the urge to strangle her. Sometimes when we argue, I stare at her and can't believe she is the same sweet sister who writes me handwritten letters/notes when I'm going through hard times and make me cards on my birthday. 

3 years is a pretty huge age gap and it is pretty hard for us to be each other's confidante as we are always going through entirely different stages in life. Like right now, I've graduated from Poly while she is just starting. It doesn't help even more that we have completely different interests, passion and hobbies. 

But amazingly, we managed to still be there for each other despite not knowing what the hell is going on. I think it's the kind of thing only siblings have and I'm glad I have you to always stand up for me just like how I'll fight for you. 

I hate you sometimes, but I love you all the time.


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