Saturday, November 28

RenixTravels | Taipei Day 5

So, I've finally decided to not be a lazy ass and finally transferred all the photos from my phone. There were a few that were taken from the previous days in Taipei and it'll be a mess to allocate everything back so I'm just gonna post them in this post. 

With the super handsome retriever outside a pasta shop at Xi Men Ding. 
This dog is so accustomed to having humans taking pictures, he will actually just raise his paws automatically once you get close to him. But then again, he's also a bitch who REFUSES to look at either you or the camera. Lol. 

The day we saw 大嘴巴 performing at Xi Men Ding as well. 


If I am not wrong, and that is a big "IF", the 1st stop was SongShan station (松山車站).
There should be some kinda mall located nearby that looks like this:

Lol, sorry guys. The shit part about having a free-and-easy-impromptu-everything travel itinerary is not knowing where you actually end up at half the time. I can remember the places by sight and not by names so, pardon me. 

Anyway, as usual, stopped by any restaurant that has an appetizing menu and there we go. 

I think we sorta saw this on one of their food variety shows, but I can't really remember if it was the same shop. The logo kinda looked the same, but it could be a different branch or a franchise or something. Anyway, it was pretty yumz. 

Please do not ask me for the name of the dishes, I cannot remember. If you wanna order the same dishes, just compare the pictures okay? :P

Went to Wu Fen Pu (五分埔) to take a look because I did not visit this place during the previous trip. 
And apparently, it wasn't a very smart choice because I wasted half a day here just weaving through the narrow streets not even browsing through anything. When the websites say wholesale, they really meant wholesale. Unlike in Platinum Mall at BKK where wholesale means 3 pieces, here, the sales assistants can't be bothered to entertain you if you are not looking to import for business. Well, unless you are the kind who are willing to pay 50 SGD for something that looks like it will be in City Plaza for 20 SGD tops, that is. 

Of course they do have items on the "On-Sale" racks, or what I would call "$10 racks". You can find apparels that are selling at SGD 5/10 but….I highly doubt you will find anything suitable, because to be honest, I think those looked like what you will find at 2nd-hand/pre-loved fleas in SG that people just give out for free at night because they can't be bothered to lug all the clothes back home. Yup.

I'm never going back to WuFenPu as an individual leisure shopper again. 

Anyway, we found a store that sells really cute tees that has unique and adorable prints (like bling-ed superman logo tees). BUT, the price was only reasonable for the kids' sizes. I really wouldn't pay SGD 30+ for t-shirts like these. 

The owner had like a collection of these One Piece figurines and I got damn excited because I thought they were for sale. THOUGHT  :( 
Apparently, these are the collectibles from the McDonalds in Taipei. Say WHUUUUT?!?!?!?!
The quality of those were like 10x better than the ones I collected in SG, and 10x cuter too :/

If only I went during the One Piece collectibles period (T.T)

Rao He Street Night Market (饒河街觀光夜市) is actually pretty nearby but since we'd already visited it the previous night, we actually took one of the vendor's advice and visited Ning Xia Night Market (宁夏夜市). This market is more well-known for its food and there's not much shopping to be done here. 

But before that, "dropped by" Xi Men Ding 西門町 for shopping.yet again. I really can't get enough of Xi Men Ding and it was a terrible choice to not stay in Xi Men Ding because I think we ended up going there almost everyday. 

You can never finish your shopping there. Really. 

Do. Not. Judge. Me. 
Yes, it's my first time eating stinky tofu (臭豆腐) and I really, really, can't take the smell of it. I think it tastes okay once I pinched my nose and blocked the smell, but if not, like what I said in the video, I can't concentrate on the taste at all.

I don't understand why people think Durians stink when something like Stinky Tofu actually exists. 

Oh yes, covering my nose and spamming chili sauce, lots and lots of chili sauce. 

The amount of things we lug around the night market. 

I finally decided to give the eyelash extensions a try and I was in love with the results. 
This was a strand-by-strand extension and I really like the girls at the palour cus they were super friendly, and they speak normally. Lol. In all honesty, even though I really love the people there, the high-pitched act cute voices from the ladies were kind of getting on my nerves and I was really relieved I didn't have to listen to that for an hour as I lay there getting my lashes done. 

 They're located as quite an obscure corner in Xi Men Ding but I should be going back during my next trip so I'll be sure to snap a photo or at least get their name card or something should anyone wants to visit this place for the extensions. 

I paid about SGD 60 for the extensions and an additional of about SGD 15 for their lash growth serum, which I have to say, for something of that traditional looking packaging, worked wonders. 

To all the ladies out there who have never tried eyelash extensions, this is a path of no return I'm warning you. I am now hooked onto doing eyelash extensions and have been going for regular appointments ever since I'm back in SG. :X 

Not having to put eyeliner and mascara whenever I leave the house?! Take my money. 

Anyway, we got supper back from Ning Xia Night Market and proceeded to grow horizontally. 

Korean Fried Chicken.

Taipei's version of an Okonomiyaki.

This. Baked. Cheese. Scallop. Is. The. Bomb. Diggity. 

I actually took a video of what is what but I'm not gonna show it cus I watched it and felt like a bimbo. Lol. 

Yes, scallop in its huge ass shell. 

So, on our way back to the hotel (which is by the way located at 艋舺夜市, but translated to Guangzhou Night Market), we were stopped by this elderly lady who was selling miscellaneous tidbits.   We've seen her around the previous nights and she always seemed to have a hard time selling her stuff so I finally decided to get something from her. Although her method of selling was pretty unethical (she won't give you any change but give you the amount of tidbits that she thinks matches the value of your note), it wasn't much if you convert it back to SGD. I think we only bought like SGD 4/5 worth of stuff. Anyway, while we were buying from her, she actually confided in us her whole life story,  unfortunately, in 台語. 

I only understood bits and pieces but the gist of it is mostly a typical sob story of how she didn't have any family left. 

These pictures were taken from my hotel room's window, in between 1am to 3+am. 
So usually once night falls, the owners will start setting up their stalls in the streets and vehicles were barred entry. Then, at a certain timing, the stalls will close and the roads will be open to vehicles again. 
This elderly lady was there all the way even when the resident stalls at the side of the road closed. 

I really wished I was more fluent in 台語 cus she spoke to us for about 45 minutes and I really felt bad that I couldn't understand her at all. I mean if I could I would probably accompany her longer, but cus I couldn't, it was hard to stay. 

She'll probably forget about us the next day but I'll always remember her. Looking at her, actually witnessing such hardship in life really impacted me a lot and reminded be to not take what I have for granted.

Okay before this post turns into an emotional speech, here's my favorite buy of the entire trip:

Air Jordan 4 Teal. 

You are finally mine. 


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