Thursday, October 13

Overnight Weekend

Look at my cui hair + lack of sleep face!
This was the day I had puffy face (shui zhong), cus I had been tonning & smoking & falling sick :'(

Okays, this post is gonna be on how dope my weekend had been! :D
Hahas, yeah ikr right, it's like thursday now, but I had really crammed lots of activities into my week & I couldn't even find time to hit the snooze button. I am surviving on 4 hours of sleep since morning so yeahs, pardon me.

No pictures because everyone was really shagged. Saturday was The Change-Up with Jerry at Plaza Sing's GV. Wanted to watch something at Grand Cathay, but there were no nice seats & timings so over to GV. It was the same actually but I was too lazy to go back to Cathay so we decided to just take lousy seats :/ Apparently, the show was kinda funny with a pretty nice storyline, but the M18 rating is M18 alright. Awkward. Hahas.

Walked abit before Jerry headed home while I went over to Junhao's friend's house for MAHJONG overnight! :) His friends are epic, I swear. Won 10 bucks!^^ Like a finallyyyyy.

Sunday & Monday saw me bored out of my mind at work, but stayed out late talking with Harold & Ming Han. 

Tuesday was THE MOST AWESOME DAY! But I have lots of pictures & stuff to post so in order to keep my posts to a "readable" length, I shall share with you guys this awesome day in the next update!!^^

Meanwhile, I grabbed these pictures off FB. These were taken during CMCC AP 2nd auditions! It felt more like a performance tho! Hahas.

Anyway, they made some changes to the casting, so there'll be another test or something :/ But the GOOD NEWS IS, I GOT IN THE CASTING!!! Hehes, it's like super great news to me after so many things had been going downhill recently!!!

Yep, so that's all for my weekend!^^ Hope yours had went well too! Toodles~

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