Thursday, October 6

Fresh Page

These few days have been the best days to start all over again. Meeting up with friends, h2h's (or rather mostly them listening to me ranting), dinner at new places, CMCC AP practice & 2nd auditions, so on. Despite going through lots of shit & downhill moments, I feel really blessed to have these people in my life.

A huge thank you to:

Pool club people, especially Jerry & Junhao, who always never fail to make sure I'm okay and can always make me laugh with their retarded ways, for making sure I get everything off my chest and leave my mind free from unhappiness. For claiming not to see me as a girl, but giving in to me & showering me with concern. The things you do might not show it blatantly, but I see it, the care I keep on receiving from you guys. A million thanks wouldn't be enough.

Lake, for being there when I almost crumbled and making sure I don't blame myself. Thank you, for helping me tell my parents so they know what happened without me going through the story all over again, and for delivering honey water to my doorstep when I'm having a bad sore throat. I appreciate everything you have done, & I'm really sorry I turned a deaf ear to your advice in the past.

Last, but not least, CMCC! The place where not many knows what's going on, yet being with them, even if with only a part of what I'm used to last year, will always, always makes me happy. Just like a big family, the warmth, the laughter, amazing. Even if I don't get through the auditions, I'm really glad I went back, because nothing can ever replace this kind of familarity.

Looking forward to meeting up with Priscilla! Like finally! A girls day out, shopping, camwhoring, bitching, I can't wait! :) The only one who understands everything without me saying anything, the only one apart from my family that I will love always!

& yes, Leroy bro, meet up soon! I got so many things to bitch about, and so many stories to tell! Miss ya much!

I know it's pretty unlike me to get so emotional & stuff, but I'm feeling really blessed these days. Just wanna let those around me know, I love all of you very much, and yes, I'll be okay in a while and I promise, the smile you all want to see will be back on my face very very soon! Loves! :)

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