Friday, October 31

Simple days


While preparing to head out...

Awkz smile.

Fishball face. And yes, I'm wearing shorts, it's high waist. 

 Met JP at VivoCity and went straight for dinner because I was really hungry. He took me to this restaurant that looks pretty intimidating and expensive from the exterior.

Bosses Restaurant. 黑社会.

Appetizer that was served while we were waiting for our food to arrive. It's actually fried fish skin which is surprisingly addictive.

This place is actually pretty well-known for its dim sum but they only serve dim sum until 5pm or something and there's only Xiao Long Baos & Custard Buns under Dim Sum left :( We actually witness 2 customers leaving without ordering because they came for the dim sum.

Xiao Long Baos. It's better than those from some other overpriced restaurants. 

XO Chicken (is it? I can't remember)

Fried rice that we shared, which is surprisingly a lot more yummy than it looks. 

Wasn't expecting much especially because I wanted to order clay pot rice (random craving) but the waitress advised us against it because firstly, we have to wait 1/2 hour, and secondly, the portion can feed 3-4 persons (although it states for 2 on the menu) and based on the amount of our orders, she was afraid we might not be able to finish it.

So in my mind I was like "Meh, fried rice is so…normal" and boy, I was proven wrong. This is not normal.

However, my expectations for the custard buns were too high (my fault for trying custard buns at every dim sum place I go) and this kinda let me down a little. It's really good though, just not the fantastic, mind-blowing kind of dope I was expecting it to be. Hahahaha.

Walked around, window-shopped a little, collected HHN4 tickets, spent a lot of time finding desserts (but did not eventually ate any) and went back to crash at JP's because I wanted to watch shows but there is nothing in the theatre that I was appealing. Eventually I don't think we even did watch any. Did we? Hahahaha. I only remembered being annoyed but the girl who kept blowing bubbles at the bus stop. It's annoying because she was seated right behind us and the entire group(?) of bubbles just float towards us and no it's not even romantic, motorcycles roaring loudly by us, loud foreign language all around…no, not romantic please.



Sorry for the annoying stops, but only by saying it that way can I bring out the rush of emotions in me. Been waiting for more than a month just for these babies to arrive from US. I've been seeing a lot of people getting new shoes (esp DWZ peeps after production) and it was so tough for me to resist buying another pair whenever I walk past nice shoes. Now, my baby is finally here. 

All my favorite colors on one shoe and the best part?

The whole shoe is of 3M Reflective material!!! 

When I posted this on instagram, some people actually thought I got 2 of the same design in different colors and was confused by my caption so to explain:

The 2nd picture is taken with flash to show that the shoes reflect light, because it is 3M reflective. 

Tee hee. I am so proud of my own design. Hahaha. One and only pair in the world; I finally own something like this. Now I can wear my pair out when JP wears his and stop feeling envious. 

That being said, shoes are never enough though. 


Wednesday, October 29

When September Ends


Had a good session, then went home and changed for JP's friend's birthday celebration.

I had absolutely no idea where we were going except that it was some kind of an atas club. I'm now some sort of allergic to bodycon dresses and I unofficially have no clubbing appropriate attire in my wardrobe so...

Deal with it. 

Before some people hit the curb. 
*Proud to head home sober* 

Ya, because those who know me will know I don't drink. I don't even know why I used to hit the clubs. Nothing to do at all except jumping (or more like hopping), pumping fist in the air, having no personal space and risk getting groped. I really did try to like it, bask in the atmosphere and all, but nope. I rather slack under void deck. Hahahaha. 


Headed to town for a little retail therapy. 

JP took me to a Japanese place for dinz which I didn't even know existed in Wisma Atria. 

Koh Grill and Sushi Bar. 

My face round, I know. (Time for diet eh?)

This sushi is so dope it deserves 4 pictures alone. 

We were so full after dinz and were just taking a stroll along Orchard Road before we start shopping when we received a flyer for a promo at KBox. Whatsapped my parents as they were in town with Sissy as well for the Teochew Festival event. Asked them to join for K because go with them not I pay :X because the more the merrier. 

Went shopping and got a new New Era cap. I finally own a NY after so long.

Walked into Depression and it was a beautiful mistake. Tried on this dress and the sales associate asked for a picture for the store's FB page. Gian song level 999 please. 2nd time I was asked to do something like this…

But my awkwardness also level 999….

Face, awkward. Pose, awkward. Smile, awkward. Hair, awkward cus I was wearing a cap. 

Now I'm so embarrassed because this awkward picture is on their FB page. Zzzzz.

I shall take a nicer one when I eventually wear this dress. Oh yes, I bought it. No in fact, JP got it for me because it was too expensive for me to splurge on. So to thank him, I got a nice shirt from Aape.(Which is obviously cheaper but hey it's the thought that counts, and he really liked the shirt but couldn't bear to splurge on himself so I did it for him. Hahaha.)

K-session thereafter and another gian song level 999 moment: Daddy told me I improved :D Had so much fun singing K with my family, JP and my aunt. Can't wait to sing K again, I miss it so much!


 While I was taking photos for my resume…

I went cray. 

Headed out for dinner after I managed to take a good one. I've always walked past Strictly Pancakes and even hung out at the pubs around it (no, I really don't drink, I'm there because of company)  but I've never eaten there before and today, I finally did. 

The Garlic & Herbs butter was good. I don't usually take butter so coming from me, it is really good. 
The main star itself isn't anything to rave for but pretty decent for it's price I think. 

Shit part about the whole experience was that the patrons seated next to our table were talking about my secondary school, AHS, (probably alumnus as well but idk them) and worse, talking about people I know. It was so hard to concentrate on my meal because let's face it, I can't help not hearing what they were talking about (or as a matter of fact, bitching about) and I was trying really hard not to judge them for judging others. 

JP finally got to send me home today (because he either stays over or go home from where we are because we stayed out too late) and t'was a happy day. 


 Lee Hanai's Soul Workshop.

My first time trying out this genre, getting to know this genre even, watching someone dance it, and it was so beautiful. The way Lee sama moves to the music…it's just woah. I think I understood why it's called Soul. 

I din even realize this was in my camera. What were you 2 doing uh? 

Love attending workshops that give me a whole new experience. So privileged to be able to keep learning from all these crazy talented, achieved individuals. 

Can't wait to experience more on this journey. 


Tuesday, October 28

Midst of Projects (September)

It is currently 4.40am. I am sick of reading through that disgustingly thick textbook. I swear, I'd never thought I'll be "studying" for an open-book exam. This is cray. Remind me again why I took finance as a minor?


Bored before I head out for dance. 


Project deadlines were all over one another and I actually did lost track of which module's project I was actually working on. 

Wait, what? Heading to school for project…again?

Can I…not?

I'm serious. I don't want to. 
I'm having a good hair and good skin day, I wanna go out and play. 

But the deadline is in a week?!

Fine. I resign to reality. 

Halfway through the project, my project group mate wanted starbucks and I did too, but on the way I went to the ladies first and…my "girl's problem" decided to arrive "timely" again. Just fyi, it has been paying me visits on the most epic timings for the past few months. So, bearing cramps and all, I went to get Hot Chocolate in hopes to soothe the pain.

While waiting for my muffins, I placed the Hot Choco on the counter for collecting orders. This other girl beside me was trying to do something in her bag and she accidentally toppled my Hot Choco (emphasis on hot choco because I really needed it k) over me. Not just toppled my drink, but over me. I was trying to be nice saying it's ok and all while she took tissues and kept apologizing but in my mind all I was really thinking was "Can you please just offer to buy me another drink?"

Yes, I needed it that much. 

Thankfully i still have probably 2/3 or 3/4 of it left but I had to wash out the stains before they became permanent or something and I had to continue doing my project with my entire left side of the body soaked. -.-

So you can probably understand why this made my day...

Although the cashier misspelled my name, I am still giving props to him because I didn't even spell it for him. The fact that he spelled it with a "Y" is already pretty impressive. My project mate kept whining about why she didn't have it and the other staff was like "Aiya he like that one la, biased." Tbh it was a really small thing but amidst all the shit I had, it was one thing to be grateful for. 

Went for DanceArts' production to support S, another project mate. It was nothing short of beautiful and I really enjoyed it. A completely different genre of music, of dance, yet it can inspire me all the same. Kudos to all the performers & choreographers on stage that day, y'all were amazing. 


Another. Project. Deadline. 

Shoot me. 

Spent the entire afternoon at F's place. We finally got our shit together and finished the project an hour before the deadline. Once we submitted?


Thankful I met these girls because I got no friend in SIM and it is really that hard to find someone whose characters don't clash with me to group with me. And also because Rox is a mofo who always pangseh me and choose a different lecture so I have to go find ppl myself and I always end up with ppl whose 8 words don't match (hahahaaha direct translation) :/ 

So, in short, these 2 bimbos sorta saved half of my life in SIM. 

Went to find JP after that and we headed over to Tanjong Pagar for a dance event at Seven Dance Studio. Unearthed this Korean treasure in the entire row of Korean BBQ restaurants. It looked so out of place; dimly-lit, small in size, only 2 customers, to the point where we actually thought it was closed on first sight. After walking up and down the long row of shophouses, I realized it was open and went to check out the menu. 

Plus point: It serves authentic Korean food at reasonable prices. And by reasonable, I mean really affordable.

How do I know it's authentic? The pretty lady boss greeted us in Korean, and doesn't know how to communicate efficiently in English. Hahahaha. I really have something for polite, gentle, Korean ladies.   So demure, words delicately spoken. A breath of fresh air from the noises I hear everyday outside of that restaurant. 

(Ps. Today I've had 3 different languages screamed into my ear while commuting on public transport)

Anw, back to the food...

Dry Jajangmyun. It was jang. 

Some pork dish (yes, I forgot the name of it) which was daebak. 

 Gimbap - Korean sushi. I insisted to try this because of TROS. The kids always eat their sushi rolls in a manner that makes me wonder if they were really that good. (Sarang anyone?) These were pretty decent, but then again, it was my first so I can't really compare. 

Headed to the jam after dinner and it was….awkward. But I did have fun and it was the first time I really tried dancing to vent my emotions. It was liberating. 

I can see myself updating quite often as I take breaks in between mugging. 
Wish me luck.