Monday, October 27

Some 'em Free-er Days


DWZ Camp '2014.

Was the GL for Blue Group, but…I was late, and then I had to go be the game master for one of the games so felt pretty awkward with my group for the the rest of Day 1. Damn regretful I missed Fredy's workshop cus he taught his Anaconda choreo and it looked so dope. But it might be a good thing tho, I'm not cut out for street jazz.


Whole of Day 2 was pretty much preparing for group showcase. I think I'm one of the most bochup GLs ever, just pretty much left the group to do their own thing. Didn't really feel the camp "vibe" this time round, which was pretty much a pity but oh wells.

The pairing for GLs was supposed to be like one person who is the outgoing, loud kind, and the other who is the softer spoken one, and turned out I was the partner who was the latter. Hahahaha. This kind of pairing is almost a requirement for GLs in every camp & I remember back in SP during CMCC camp, I was the louder one -.- Guessed I really changed quite a bit since then. 

Oh gosh, those 3 days where my group had to endure me shouting at them, hyping them up for every game, talking & yakking to every member to get them to bond, scolding them when they did not adhere to game rules….compared to DWZ's 2 day camp where I pretty much just had conversations with my group and simply gave words of encouragement…hahahahaha. 

I kind of miss SP…but anw, I digress.

Crazy preetz cupcakes as appreciation for Production, and DWZ anniversary. 

With the breakfast group at Macs, and this bottle here, with the Mac's logo, has a story behind it, and it made me laugh for like…a good 15 mins I think. Back to laughing gas mode. 

Headed to JP's after break camp, and tadah…I have dinner waiting for me after which I concussed for like 14 hours. 

Random moment of us performing back during production. We were the sexy aggressive lioness. Lol. 


Movie Date.

One of the best, hands down. It was a tearjerker kind of movie, and even JP agreed that it was amazing. 


One of the rare times it was a stay-home Saturday night, and we decided to dig up whatever ingredients my house had and made some simple dinner. 

It tasted really good though. 

Toasted cuttlefish balls for supper and movie on my laptop. 


Headed out after my piano class, with no destination in mind, again. Decided to stop at Bugis while on the MRT, and there we were. 

Dolce Tokyo @ Bugis Junction for late lunch/ early dinner. We'd wanted to try it before because the menu looked good, but it was closing so it was a no-brainer where we wanted to go for dinner. 

It was nothing fancy, but pretty yummy. I think I would go for the fusion dishes the next time, those looked more interesting. 

Ok back to hit the books. Till the next,


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