Tuesday, May 20

Happy Mother's Day


Omg, I still have so many backdating updates to post. Lol. Consequence of being lazy. 

I was so excited and really looking forward to this day because I would be attending workshops from 2 of the people I've been hearing so much about but haven't got the chance to learn from them in person. 

So presenting to you...

Henry Link from Elite Force Crew. 

His workshop was crazy. Even though his was going through basics (with variations), I couldn't catch up half the time and almost died from all that back rocking. And his music layers concept....too dope! I don't care if it's probably gonna be similar stuff in his next workshop in Sg, I wanna go again so I can push myself harder! So thankful to be able to watch him dance in person and everything he says is so inspiring. It made waking up at 9am on a Sunday worth it!

Came out with sore "abs" and was exhausted. Walked around the new mall in between 313 and Orchard Central with JP and grabbed a quick lunch before it was time for his workshop with Acky. 

While he was having fun popping in workshop, I was making full use of the time to recharge before my next workshop by going to Scape's hub to sleep :x

I think we went to sleep at around 5am and Link's workshop was at 11am, so we basically only had around 4 hours of sleep. And I had leg cramps in the morning, probably from too much walking -.- 

Dominique from Wrecking Crew Orchestra (WCO)!!!

He's such a fun guy and just taking his class will probably brighten up any dancer's day. Just look at the 2nd picture, don't we look like best friends? Lol. 

After taking the workshops, I now have more motivation and determination to train harder and improve because I know I am still far from what I want to achieve. Will be looking forward to more of such workshops! ^^


After my workshop, was supposed to meet my family and JP at Kiseki for dinner to celebrate Mother's Day. That idiot's phone went flat and he wasn't at Kiseki yet and there was no way to reach him so I just abandoned him and went ahead with dinner with my family. 

I was kidding. 

Our telepathy worked its magic and we arrived simultaneously at Kiseki. Lol. Our telepathy never fail to amaze me every time. 

Sis: Lol your boyfriend accidentally photo bomb. We like 3 headed monster sia. 

*proceeds to take another selfie*

*JP got up on purpose to walk into the picture to photo bomb*


Food wasn't as fantastic as we've heard, not even that affordable, and variety was pretty limited. I mean I'm not even a big eater (in fact I have a small appetite) yet I feel that I'm not full after trying most of the food at a buffet. That really mean something. 

My advice will be...don't try. 

JP was testing the camera to see the lighting and stuff and he captured this candid shot...Mei ah, looks damn wrong please. I think we laughed over this photo for a good 5 mins. 

Lol I look like I wanna fight someone. Because the staff that helped us take the photos didn't even say anything. At all. She just one shot spam idk how many pictures and we were like "Wtf. Thanks ah" when we saw the photos. 

The rest of the photos had at least one of us with half-closed (opened) eyes so yeah, only 1 decent shot.

Even though it was a simple dinner, it was enough for we got to talk nonsense together as a family, which is how we bond. No Mother's Day present for my mum because her birthday is in June and I usually combine both days into 1 present so I'll get her a good one instead. 

This woman has had and still is playing so many roles in my life, from of course a mother, to my personal secretary, chef, ranting/bitching partner, consultant, advisor, etc. I don't really confide in her most of the time about my personal problems but whenever she sense something wrong with me, she'll always be the first to drop me a text or pop into my room to make sure I'm okay. 

This woman is also my Number 1 fan. Really. From when I was dancing/performing in Kindergarten, to playing in the Brass Band and performing in Drama in primary school, to joining competition with Modern Dance in secondary school, to playing competitive pool in Poly, to now a Street dancer, as long as the event allows, she will be there in the front where I can see her, with her phone/camera in hand busy taking photos and videos of me. 

This woman is always protective of me, even overprotective at times, to the point where I wanted to break free from her during my rebellious period. If you asked me whether I regret it, I would say yes and no. Yes because I shouldn't have wasted all those time pushing her away and breaking her heart but use it to treasure her instead. No because if it hadn't been for that period, I wouldn't have known how much she would sacrifice for me, and how I would be completely lost without her. 

I used to be embarrassed whenever she smother me with hugs and kisses in public. Or when she came to pick me up from school or whatever other places (with daddy too). I used to think I was old enough to take care of myself, so I didn't need her to do all those for me. 

As I slowly grow out of that foolish ignorant adolescent stage, I realized that there will never be an age where I will ever be "old enough" to do without her. She will always be my pillar of support, and I will always be her little girl, no matter how old we are. 

I still remember during my first pool tournament, my sis and mum came to watch and my friend walked up to me and asked if they were my family. I said yes, and he went "I envy you. How I wish mine would come." I remember how my heart swell with happiness and how warm I felt. 

I remember during my Poly days I was going on a school sourcing trip in BKK, my dad, mum and sis hugged me at the departure gate in front of everyone when I was leaving, and were anxiously waiting by the arrival hall when I came back. My dad and mum saw me through the glass and were waving frantically to me. My lecturer was beside me and she saw them and she asked "Your parents?" I remembered being very proud then, and said yes. She went "You and your family very close hor. My mum ask me to cab home myself even when I tell her I'm carrying lots of things." I remember how my lips automatically spread into a wide smile and how I couldn't stop looking over at my parents because I wanted to run out and hug them as soon as I can. 

I remember when I was sharing "parents" stories with my crew mates and someone said something and JP went "Her parents different, they very supportive of her one." and at that moment, I realized that their love and care for me is not only felt by myself, but by everyone around me as well. 

This day, we (my sister and I) display our affection for this woman because it is a chance for us to be more open about our affection for her. However, it will not be the only day we come to appreciate the things she do for us and the things that she sacrifice for us. It will not be the only day we show our appreciation and love towards the woman who moulded us to the person we are. 

Despite our quarrels and fights, door slamming and shouts, I can never do without this woman. 

Now, I smother her with kisses and hugs in public. 


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