Friday, May 16

Meaningful Events: Throwback

Throwback to weeks ago when I attended my first few dance events. 


On Good Friday last month, I attended my very first dance workshop! 

Signed up for J-Black's workshop at Natasha Studio. 

Super cui hair that day from running to the place (b/c I'm late) and crazy legs routine in his class. 


Bring Them Out! Battle Event

Decided to take another step further out from my comfort zone and participated in my first ever dance battle! 

It was actually supposed to be an amateur battle but there were almost 140 participants and from the auditions, there were quite a few (a lot actually) who are not-so-amateur. I mean, there were even people who were in Top 16 for Dance@live -.-

Needless to say, I didn't get through the auditions but it was a really fun experience nevertheless. It really opened up my eyes to the Singapore dance scene and I have learnt quite a lot from this experience. 

I guess I would be more willing to participate in battles and events in the future after this. I mean even if I might not get pass the auditions as well, it's gonna be fun & exciting! Like when I went out there my mind immediately went blank and I didn't know what the hell I was doing, which in turn made me listen to the music more and just HAVE FUN and ENJOY dancing to it. Looking forward to attending more of such events in the future! :) 


It was a day before our 9th and because we would be spending the entire day practicing with the crew, we went for a date the night before :)

Had dinner at Lola's Cafe. 

Drinks were awesome! Iced chocolate is rich, thick and smooth; Iced mocha was the perfect harmony of chocolate and coffee. 

JP's stew was better than my fish and chips. Like way better. According to him, it might be because we eat fish & chips more often and thus might have higher expectations. To me, the fish were fried too crispy and so I had more flour than fish. It also made it really difficult to cut into pieces, and the board it was served in didn't help because it was too small.

Dessert was good although we were too full to properly enjoy it. 

Caught Brick Mansions after that and it was a really good movie. Of course a good part of it is because Paul Walker starred in it, but I really liked how I understood most of the show and couldn't find any loopholes in the plot. Hahahahaha. I'm really annoying when I discover loopholes. 

Please go and catch Brick Mansions if you haven't. We caught it twice now and still find it awesome! 

Decided to walk back home from Nex after the movie. It was a really crazy idea because we have to walk from Nex (Serangoon) to Punggol, after a movie that ended at around 1am and we had to wake up early for practice the next day, and the practice will take the ENTIRE day. 


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