Monday, May 12

Backdating Updates

Holy shit. I realized I haven't updated this space for more than a month....again. Was busy dealing with countless projects and exams that seemed to never end, but tada! IT"S OVER!!! Finally regained my freedom, though only for a few months. 

Decided to start backdating all the updates for the past one month because so much has happened and I want to be able to keep a physical "memory" of those events. 


Celebrated 8th Monthsary with JP with a simple dinner. Decided to settle for dinner at Watami @ Ion Orchard. 

We went with the dinner set for 2 and these were what we got:


Army Stew which was damn good and satisfying.

Something salmon don I think. 

Side dishes:
Hotate that was grilled to perfection and udon.

Side dish:
Fries that were good. 

Side dish:
Salmon sashimi. 

The army stew after stirring. 

Overall it was super value for money: the serving was wayyyy more than what even JP can handle, and the food was good, actually very good. Thumbs up for a good find as a result of us walking aimlessly looking for a place to have dinner. 

Impromptu date to idk where

Some really weird things had been happening to me during that period which made me pretty uneasy. It wasn't anything really bad, but just plain weird and sometimes, unlucky.

So JP decided to bring me to his temple (idk whose temple but apparently he grew up there) to pray so that I can have a peace of mind. And it was also good cus my exams were coming and we were also about to travel.

Decided to settle for late lunch/early dinner at a nearby hawker after the temple visit and we managed to score a good find again!

Salmon bento that cost $5/6 if I didn't remember wrongly. 

Curry Chicken Katsu Udon that was slightly cheaper than the bento. 

Again super value for money: Food was good for the price, and the portion is pretty filling. 

JP being a complete nerd at 2048. He has since passed 8192. 

The days my mum unleashed the chef in her

My mum rarely cooks due to her long working hours so having home cooked dinner is really rare at my home. 

But that few days she cooked soup with ALL MY FAVOURITE INGREDIENTS!!!

Fuzhou fishballs, those red colored things that are good for the eyes, mushrooms that were a substitute for enoki because the supermarket nearby ran out of stock, tomatoes.

Daddy bought ba chor mee back for lunch because he says it's rare I'm home at lunchtime -.-

This spread was waiting for me (kept for me) when I got home at 11plus pm after dance practice in school. Needless to say I finished in seconds. 

Multiple shots to show the amount of love in the soup.

Meatballs, white-crunchy-nut-looking thingy, enoki mushroom, crabsticks, red-things-that-are-good-for-the-eyes, fuzhou fish balls, tomatoes, and the substitute mushrooms. 

HAHAHAHA please pardon the names. As you can already tell, I don't really cook (even if I do it's mostly 5mins cooking) so I'm not really sure what the names of the ingredients are and I am too lazy to google.

P.s. Mummy please cook me soup more often! 

Ok backdated post 1 is done. I can sleep feeling a little more accomplished tonight. Lol.


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